Chapter 24-Almost gone

Start from the beginning

"William don't be sorry. Its not your fault." She told him. She knew there was something going on between this young man and her daughter.

The doctor walked in and asked who they were. Sally spoke up first "I'm her mother and this is her fiance. I'm not impressed that he was kept out of the loop. That kind of shit does not happen where I come from." She told the doctor. Now William should not have any issues.

"i'm sorry ma-am. I don't deal with that part. Ms. Grant here has a long road ahead of her. She is lucky. One more inch and she would not be here. The hole in her heart was fixed as well as the hole in her lung. She will stay on the ventilator till tomorrow as a precaution. She is going to be sore and have a nasty scar. Her prognosis is guarded but I think she is going to pull threw."he told them

"thank you for saving her life. I would not know what I would do if I lost one of them. She came into the room to protect Eden. I almost lost both of the loves of my life today. Can I sit here with her. I am going to switch on and off between the two. And if they kick me out I'll sit in the waiting room. I'm not leaving." Bull told the doctor.

"That dude is an asshole. If Danny was in here he would have punched the bastard. The look on his face when you spoke about Eden. He needs the stick removed from his ass." Sally told Bull. Bull just looked at her in surprise.

"I agree. Can you sit with her for a few. I need to go talk to Dev. I want to let him know about Samantha. He is the one who killed Templeton. He no longer has a head. After what he did to mine I would like to put his ass threw a meat grinder." Bull told her.

"Sure Will. Take you time. You know you can kiss her. I think she is in there. Talk to her honey. She is going to need you. Would you ask Danny to come in. He is a wreck." Sally asked him. He hugged her then kissed Samantha's cheek. Telling her his dreams for them. Telling her that she was his. On his way to go to Eden's room he told Danny what Sally said. The older man looked like he had been crying.

The doctor was just walking in when Bull arrived. Dev told him that Bull was Edens man and left it at that.

"so we had to rebuild her knee. It was a wreck in there. She is going to walk with a little limp. As for the wound to her abdomen we had to take out a foot of intestine. The bullet hit her uterus. We fixed the hole but time will tell if it would be safe for her carry a pregnancy full term. I cant say for sure. Its possible. She is young. She will be moved out of ICU probably tomorrow and expect her home in a week or so. Any questions?" He asked them.

"nope. Thanks for doing what you did for my sister. She is my only living relative. We are great full for what you did. Not just me. Were going to be staying close. Beware when she comes too she is going to be asking about someone named Samantha or Sam or Grant. She is in the room two doors down. We know its touch and go right now. So please if she asks let us talk to her about it. Samantha is her girlfriend. As in lover. There close. The three of them are." Dev told the man.This shit storm is going to be a long one he felt it.

"umm sure. I will note it big and loud. If it makes you feel any better the surgeon who worked on Ms. Grant when she came in is the best in the state. Maybe the best on this side of the country. From what I heard she is going to be OK. Feel free to hold Edens hand and such. Also the cops were here. I told them they were not going near her for a few days at least. So if they ask tell them to come see me. That last thing this young lady needs is them harassing her." He told them. Then left after offering a solid hand shake and prayer.

"Man what if she cant have babies? That's going to kill her."Dev told his buddy.

"I know. She has never mentioned it either way. Always making it clear that he was going to kill her. I'm glad you killed him. His life is over but he almost took my life with him." Bull stated. He went over to Eden and kissed her lips. Then held her hand. He would go back and fourth every hour. He had some plans to make. He knew that the guilt and anger was going to be some strong shit to get threw and he knew just the place to do it.

Simply Sam-Book Two in Montana Moments series.Where stories live. Discover now