First Night On The Job

110 8 3

(Gold's POV)

"THIS ISN'T FUNNY, LOPUNNY!!" I yell out. I check the cameras again. Then I check the dining area and Lopunny's standing between some tables. I'm freaking out right now...

Then I notice something on the monitor. It says it's 3am and I have 40% power left. There are two power bars on. Then I place the monitor down and one power bar goes down. I close the doors because I suddenly remember what the guy on the phone said. He said that they'll try to STUFF ME IN A SUIT!!

I close the doors and then two more bars appear, resulting in three bars on in total. MY POWER'S GOING DOWN FAST. So the doors need power!? That's stupid!!

I open both doors to save power. I open up the monitor and Lopunny is in the backstage!! THIS IMAGE IS EVEN SCARIER BECAUSE IT'S A FULL SHADOW AND THE ONLY THING SHOWING ARE ITS GLOWING EYES AND TEETH!!

I quickly click on a different camera. THEN I SPOT PSYDUCK IN THE RESTROOMS!! WHAT IS THIS WHY AM I HERE?!

I decide to check the lights when... LOPUNNY'S AT THE DOOR!!! I close the door on its face. 

"GET AWAY FROM ME, LOPUNNY!!" I yell through the door. 

I check the other door and no one's there. PHEW! I carefully check the door I just closed. No one's there too. I open it.

"DON'T TRY THAT!!" I yell.

I check the monitor to find out that Lopunny went back to the dining room. Psyduck though, is making a lot of noise. I check the kitchen because it sounds like pots and pans being knocked down. But... the camera in the kitchen isn't working!!! Only audio is available there.


It's now 5am. Then I close the monitor. 

"This world makes no sense..." I say. "How's it already 5am? Not gonna complain!"

I check both lights. The left door's clear. Right door? PSYDUCK'S STARING THROUGH THE WINDOW!! I slam the door shut.

I walk over to the window, holding the lights on so I can talk to Psyduck.

"So..." I say. "why is... a Psyduck wearing a bib, and holding a cupcake?" 

Then Psyduck grabs a piece of paper and writes on it. Then it shows it to me. 


"Woah!" I say. "You're already tryna kill me! The LEAST you can do is be nice to the awesome Gold!!" 

Then a bell rings. I check my monitor and it's 6am. Then I wake up in my couch. 

"That was just a dream!" I say.

"So who was that person you were talking to before you slept?" My mother asks, coming from the kitchen.

I hide my shock. So it WAS real...

I better not die for the next days.

To be continued...

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