Shit Happens

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A/N: I totally forgot to publish this chapter yesterday


Once America had found and convinced Antarctica and Greenland to join them for a celebratory meal, they popped off to the nearest restaurant.

"I feel so bad, Caddy! We didn't even talk much during these last few years. What kind of brother am I?"

"It's fine, eh. No harm done, and we're here now, right? Still my brother."

"No, the siblings you should be more concerned about not talking to is KIWI AND I. What the heck Ame?"

"Sorry Aussie. I was really busy with college and my podcast thing."

"You should listen to that, Dad, it's really good," Kiwi suggested with a wave of her fork.

"Oh, you have a podcast, honey?"

"He does. I listen to it sometimes to help me sleep," Canada says.

America blushed and rubbed his neck sheepishly. He hadn't been aware that his siblings had been listening to his podcast. Should he be offended that Canada sleeps to it? Nah, that was kind of the purpose of it anyway.

"I think it's a fine thing that you have a hobby son. Something to keep you occupied."

"Yeah, it's really fun. If I could make a career our of it, I would."

Antarctica tapped him to get his attention and signed quickly to him.

Britain leaned forward with interest, "what's that he's saying?"

"He says America could turn it into one, if he gets sponsored or something," Greenland translated.

"I don't know about that, Tica. I'm still wanting to become an astronaut, you know? And with this degree, I can!"

Japan snatched it from him and looked over it.

"You majored in engineering as well? That's pretty cool!"

"Yeah, I also took biological sciences and mathematics. It was sooooo hard! I had a breakdown at least three times a month."

"Ha! College," Japan nodded wisely while the adults looked on with extreme concern.

"Hey but that's not all you have to do, right?" Poland said.

"Yeah, I also have to have some professional experience or pilot-in-command hours."

"How many hours?" Spain asked.

"1000, I think. Minimum. Or if I do the professional experience route, I need at least three years."

"Dios mio, that's a lot!"

America shrugged. Whatever it took to do this, he'd do it.

"Meanwhile, I'll still be doing the podcast, but I'm thinking about going back to America. Just for a little. Take a break, y'know?"

"Perhaps you should, huh? Alright, we'll send you back when we can. You've worked hard, and I think you've earned it."

"Awesome! Tica, you should join me!"

Antarctica looked excited. He'd never been to America and wondered now what it'd be like.

Antarctica looked to his boyfriend with pleading eyes. Greenland sighed and have a short nod, his eyes softening.

Antarctica pumped a fist and high-fived America. Philippines looked looked kind of down.

"Aw, you're gonna leave me?"

"I know I'm sorry Phil, I wish I could take you with me too."

The Filipino shrugged, trying not to look so downcast. America wrapped an arm around his neck and noogied him, making Phil laugh.

"Hey, next time, I promise. You and me will go together."

"Yeah yeah, alright."

"How's Vietnam?"

"He's good. I miss him, but he always takes the time to come visit me, or at least call."

"Heh, yeah..."

Everyone frowned seeing America's unenthused response, knowing good and well why he had acted that way.

Britain put a hand on America's hand from across the table, "Son, perhaps you ought to try dating other people? It might be good for you. To help you move on, and all."

America pulled his hand away a little too quickly, and gave an apologetic smile, "Nah, I'm good right now."

"We just worry, y'know? Ever since Russia, you haven't been, as you used to be," Kiwi said.

America didn't respond.

"Ame-kun, if you want, I can find you someone?"

"Thanks Japan, but really, I'm okay. I mean, it's not like I haven't been with other guys since Russia."

"Yeah, but what about actual, serious relationships? As far as I know, you've had some one-night stands and maybe one date?"

"Canada," America warned, "I don't need something serious. There's no point in it."

"Mijo, you don't have to be afraid. People fall in love all the time."

"I-I'm not afraid."

"Are you sure? We just want what's best for you--"


Everyone shut up from America's outburst. America realized his harshness and sat back, smoothing his hair back.

"I really appreciate the concern, but I'll be alright, ok? I've gotten along fine before Russia, and I did good without him. I don't need to get back into dating, okay? If anything, now that I have my degree, I need to focus more on getting my dream job than anything. So just...just, leave it at that."

Everyone agreed and apologized, except Canada, who frowned. He knew America had been depressed for months after him and Russia finally broke it off, and it hurt him to see his older brother so downtrodden.

Kiwi and Japan excused themselves to the restroom. On their way out, Kiwi looked Canada in the eye and raised her brow. A minute after they left, so did Canada.

The girls were waiting for him in the hall to the restrooms, workers moving back and forth through the hall every so often.

Kiwi said it first, "So we all agree that America needs a boyfriend?"

"Desperately," Japan said.

Canada nodded, "Seeing him like this, he's been doing better than at the beginning of the breakup, but he's been trying to avoid anything more than a simple fuck."

"Russia was the only one he'd ever felt real love for. No offense, Japan."

Japan shrugged, "None taken, Kiwi-chan."

"Anyways, I don't think it's healthy. The podcast was a good way for him to vent, but he stays up all night for it, that it's gotten to the point where I'm a little concerned, you know?"

"Yeah. He has eyebags."

"So, I'm thinking," Kiwi said, "that we follow him to his country. We should take the trip with him, and while we're there, we try and find a suitable partner for him."

"That sounds good. Pol-kun might be able to join too. He and I graduated last week and month, so I'm up for some travelling."

"Okay, good!"

"I'll join also," Canada said, "America would never deny his siblings."

"Then Aussie should come too, so just to ease suspicion. Plus, he'd feel left out if we all went without him."

"Then it's settled. Kiwi, can you convince Dad?"

"'Can I convince Dad?' Pshhh, I'm his only daughter. He can't say no to me."

"Fair enough."


They shook on it.

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