4: My Mafia Bitch

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Chapter 4: My Mafia Bitch

"How are they doing?" I stood with my arms folded, staring through the one way mirror at the 2 out of 3 intruders we managed to capture last night.

Lloyd fumbled with the screen he held in his hands as he stood next to me, he was scanning through the surveillance videos of the interrogation of both individuals for any missed out information.

It was the morning after the attempted assassination, we took refuge in our secret back up apartment for situations like this.

It didn't take us long to find out who was behind the attack. The British Mafia.

Unsurprisingly as we had been talking about it only hours beforehand and they were the only logical explanation. We didn't have any bad relations with other agencies at the moment and no enemies, that we're familiar with, that are more powerful than us.

After dragging the unconscious attackers out of our now uninhabitable home, we moved them directly to the agency's interrogation rooms. Handcuffing them to the desk only after we disarmed their weapons and made sure they were no longer a threat.

"Still not a single word." Lloyd mumbled, unhappily.

He wasn't a very patient kid.

And it also happened that, neither was I.

Putting on a blank expression, I sauntered into the room. It wasn't a very nice one might I add, everything seemed to be a dull grey colour including the silver metal furniture and the plain uniform given to the man and woman who sit entrapped before me.

The moment I entered, their cool and calculating gazes fell over me as if to anticipate my next move.

I wasn't surprised, I wouldn't expect any less from them.

Silently, I pulled out a chair with only the sound of the scratching on the floor being the noise that filled the room. As I sat down, my eyes switched back and forth between them.

"Hello," I greeted, curtly, "My name is-"

"Commander Luna Prescott." The two replied in unison.

Their accents were similar to the missing guy from last night. British.

Okay, that was creepy.

"I see you've done your research," I leaned back in my chair, "So now it's only fair that you tell me who you both are."

They kept their mouths shut.

Oh, so now they don't want to speak all weird like.

But the woman in the chair couldn't help herself from retorting, "Seems like only one of us hasn't done their research."

"And so she speaks for herself," My lips threatened to break into an amused smile.

Her sarcastic demeanour dropped the second I said that while her male companion gave her a scolding look.

Suddenly, an idea sprang into my

"Hmm," I sighed, "The other man was like you two, all silent and broody, but we managed to make him talk in the end."

I watched as the man's jaw clenched while the female's eyes widened slightly.


"Although, the methods we used weren't very ethical," I continued and picked at my nails, "I almost felt bad for him at one point but then again, his screams were annoying as hell-"

"What did you do to my brother?" The woman finally cracked and tried to free herself from the restraints of the hand cuffs.

Her friend next to her cursed under his breath.

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