Why Can't Thursday Last Forever?

Start from the beginning

Do it for me." We finished and i looked at him like we were crazy.

" Holy shit." i said. I sat the guitar down and looked at him.

" That was... awesome." He said. We both stood and he hugged me. I hesitated before hugging him back. "Thursdays are good days..."

" It seems that way..." I replied. Before I could react, his hands were on my cheeks and his lips were on mine. I gasped and went wide eyed. He pulled back and looked at me in shock before grabbing his notebook and bag and walked out the door. I stood for a few moments, processing what happened before realizing my reaction. "Shit!" I yelled and grabbed my bag. I ran from the room and down the hall on my clumsy and lanky legs before finally catching up to him. He was walking fast and I saw his hands shaking.

" Idiot.... You're so stupid." He mumbled in a tone that sounded like he was about to cry. I caught him and turned him around before crushing my lips on his. He gasped and dropped his bag. I did the same and grabbed his sides, pulling him to me. I pushed him against the wall and he wrapped his arms around my neck. A few moments later, we pulled away.

"Woah." He mumbled. I laughed.

" Sorry I froze up. I wasn't expecting that... especially from a straight guy." I said. Instantly I realized that, in fact, Alex is straight, and I moved away.

"I'm not straight." He stated like it was obvious. I raised an eyebrow. "I've never done more than kiss dudes, but... yeah... I'm bisexual... Thats why I didn't tell anyone when your mom kinda blurted it out. Thats also why I didn't freak out."

"I didn't know that..." I said.

" That's because only one person knows." He looked down.

" Who else knows?" I asked. He sighed and bit his lip.

"Beau... He's basically been blackmailing me for three years when I told him. I liked him, and when I told him, he called me a freak and a fag and a lot of other things. Then he said he'd tell everyone that I'm gay if I didn't act like a dick to people... like how I was with you. And I think he's catching on... it's stupid, but... I don't even know." He sighed and ran a hand though his hair.

"... Y-you have soft lips." I blushed and looked away. He chuckled at me.

" So do you." He smiled. I smiled and we began to walk out of the building. Upon arrival outside, I realized it was dark.

" Shit." I mumbled and pulled out my phone and called my mom.

" Jack, where are you?" She answered instantly.

" Sorry. We got distracted when we were working after school. I didn't even know it was dark out." I told her. She sighed.

" Okay. Just be home soon... bye." She hung up. I looked at Alex. He was texting someone.

" If you want when we get to my house we can drive you home." I told him. She shook his head, looking actually depressed.

"... Nah... um, actually, would you mind if I stayed the night? We can get up early and I cm walk home and get ready for school." He said. I nodded.

" If my mom is okay with it." I said. We finished the walk home and went inside. My mom walked in and smiled.

" Hi, Alex. Nice to see you again." She greeted him.

"Hi Mrs. Barakat." He smiled at her.

"Mom, can Alex stay the night?" I asked.

" Of course." She agreed.

" Okay." I smiled at her before we walked to my room. I flopped onto the bed and he started snooping around. When he finished, He sat on the bed and we talked. My m came up eventually, saying that she doesn't want us sharing the bed so I have to sleep on the couch. After, she said her and May were both going to sleep and if we wanted to talk to go to the living room. We walked down and sat on the couch before talking more. Around Midnight, I looked at him.

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