Two - Neighbours

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"Sorry about that, as you can tell Sofia and I aren't good friends." Roxanne chuckles as we make our way back inside and I lock the ugly brown wood door.

I'm going to have to paint something cute on it.

"That's ok... she doesn't seem like the nicest girl to be around." I hum as I dash to clear the kitchen up a bit, which has food strewn out all over it.

"So we're neighbours then. Welcome to your first year at college freshmen." Roxanne grins as she chucks her curly deep brown hair forward before twisting it into a bun. "Do you have any alcohol?" She asks.

"Erm no we're eighteen... how old are you?" Waverly asks timidly as she hovers in the background, sending me a look to be quiet about the Malibu.

"I'm twenty Hun. I'm in my second year but I just transferred from DC. My brother started this year though, so you'll probably see him tomorrow." She shrugs and moves to sit on the sofa. "Cute setup you got here. Want any help unpacking?"

"Thanks Roxanne but we're good." I reply.

This girl is a little odd and very self-assured, but she seems harmless enough and quite a nice person to know.

"No problem." She shrugs when there is another knock at the door. "Oh sorry were you guys expecting guests?" She asks and stands up as if getting ready to leave.

"No... Sorry I'm not sure who that is. Might be my brothers and their friends." I explain as I move to answer the door yet again.

Wow, I'm feeling popular already!

Flinging the door open with an impatient 'yes', I'm not surprised to see Isaac, Owen, Zander (squeal), Adam and two guys I don't know waiting outside and making a racket of noise.

"Hey Nellie what you up to?" Isaac asks as he barges in.

"Just chilling." I murmur, rolling my eyes at his obnoxiousness.

"Ay caramba..." He groans as he notices Roxanne laying on my couch. "I see you've got the hot neighbour over as well." He grins as his eyes do a full body sweep. Gag.

"I have a name you know." Roxanne retorts with a fire in her eyes.

Ok suddenly I really like this girl. Most women fall into a puddle at his feet, adding to his already insufferable ego, which is most annoying. If it gets any bigger, his head will burst!

"Oh wayyy." Adam laughs as he walks in and ruffles my hair.

"Adam." I groan as I slap his hands away.

"Of course you do... what's your name beautiful?" Isaac asks suavely as he moves to sit next to Roxanne, placing a gentle arm around her shoulders which she immediately swats away.

"You're going to have to earn that privileged information." She counters, showing she is not to be messed with.

Ok this girl is AMAZING.

"Looks like you've finally found a girl that hasn't fallen in love with you on sight Isaac." The unnamed ginger guy laughs causing my brother to glare at him. As if sensing that I am staring, he turns his attention to me, and with a seductive smile introduces himself. "Hi there, I'm Ethan. I don't think we've had the pleasure of meeting yet."

"Oh and I'm Sheub." The other Indian-looking guy butts in with a flirtatious wink. He has the silkiest, thickest black hair I have ever seen which is so unfair.

"Hello you two, I'm-." I begin, but Isaac butts in.

"My little sister, and off limits you two, understand." Isaac states with a warning look, giving Roxanne a break from his torture.

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