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MARGIE: she looked old and forgotten like an expired milk carton when I saw her in the nuthouse, Livvy. I was so happy to see my girl. You should've been there, she was so calm and out of touch with herself, her eyes were blank: nothing was there but that blankness in her eyes. It was strange seeing her like that, so calm. Whatever it is those shrinks gave her did the job. I'm proud to say that she's a new woman, now! A different Robin then before. The old Robin was wild and a pill, I couldn't get through to her-

OLIVE: But you eventually did.

MARGE: YES! Oh yes, Livvy. I did. And I'm so happy. I think I am?

OLIVE: Are you?

MARGIE: I think so.... yeah, I think I am happy, Livy.

OLIVE: Well, that's good. I'm happy that you are happy, Margie.

MARGIE: Thanks, Livvy, I appreciate that.................

MARGIE: OH! Wait a minute, wait a minute, wait a minute. I'm such a fool, I totally forgot to ask you how your date went. I'm sorry, hon. How was your date?

OLIVE: Horrible.

MARGIE: What? What do you mean, horrible? What happened?

OLIVE: I got stood up, Margie. He never showed up at all. It was just like in 1984 when Larry stood me up. I got all dolled up and he never showed, men are pigs. And the worst thing about it, the pot roast went cold, I spent my evening alone with Gary and the pot roast. I can tell you that Gary is much as angry as I am. He was so looking forward to that... that escort to come by and have dinner with me. But nothing happened.

MARGIE: Oh my god. You ordered a male escort?

OLIVE: Yes, Margie I did. I ordered a whore to spend the evenings with me and never showed up. What a waste of time.

MARGE: Oh, Livy. I'm so sorry. So, so sorry. I hope you're all right? Did you get a refund or something?

OLIVE: Yes, I did get my refund, earlier today. I went down that house of hers and got it personally from her. It looked so big and beautiful, I felt as I was in a castle. The Madame of the house looked like the queen and her whores were her subjects. And the castle was that big Victorian house down the lane. You should've been there, it felt magically. You've seen that house, right?

MARGIE: I think so? I'm not so sure; but I think so.

OLIVE: Well. Anyways. I asked the Madame if the whore I pre-ordered was in the house and she said: no. He never showed up at the house, either. It was strange, her face was red and she was enraged and hurt that he never showed. And I calmed her down and told her that I'm all right and all and everything is going to be okay, "I'm not mad, just disappointed." The whore will show up at some point. She looked up at me and said that she hope so, too. It was a strange morning, that's all I could tell you.

MARGIE: Oh. At least you got your money back.

OLIVE: Yeah. Thanks.

MARGIE: Hey. Are you okay? I mean, are you really okay, Livy? Do you want to come over and have dinner with me and Charles and Charlie's Jr and his girlfriend.  We're having hamburger helper.

OLIVE: Hmmm. Okay. Sure. I'd be delighted to come over for dinner, Marge. It'll be nice eating with company for the evening, but Gary would be disappointed if I left him alone. He wouldn't like me doing that. But that's okay. It's okay, I'm gonna come and eat with you guys. I think it'll be fun.

MARGIE: Oh great, Livy. It's gonna be wonderful. I'll save you an extra spot on the table. You're gonna have a good time with us and hopefully forget about that whore who stood you up. You will have fun with us, Livy. And Fuck that whore. You don't deserve to be treated that way, you are a true woman and deserved to be treated like a lady.

KOI FISH ROMANCE IN IOWA //🐟  A NOVEL  🐟// BY: MR. OMAR KINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora