Unexpected Incident

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(HyoBin's POV)

The ending half of the fan meeting and performance began with me singing for our fans and my teammates. By the end of the first song I could tell that our fans loved my performance. Earful cheers and claps with yelling my name could be heard as gifts. 

Yeah they are the best gifts ever!

Then it came to acoustic version with our team mates. They were too tired to do another performance.  So the acoustic version has came handy in serving our fans. So we performed acoustic version of our moons new song 'Live in care'.

As we guessed this song will be a hit! We could already see this new song's future. Fans went crazy specially when we came to sing the part 'It's wonderful my babe' together in sync.

"Wow! Such a beautiful song! Can you tell us about this song?" The compère asked looking amazement.

"Well I think our JT can answer you. He is the writer!" YiWon said smiling. So that's the reason we all looked at somehow uncomfortable JT.

"Well JT?" The compère had to press his name just to make him look at us. He heaved a sigh.

"Okay. I wrote this song when I think about myself in our fans' view. I realised I am almost like them when I am fanboying. I don't care myself as much as I should and thinking about ask my idol for an autograph and may be a selfie." He stopped for a moment to greeted by silent. I know this feeling since I was a fanboy for my teammates. I know what he says is true, and I can guarantee that every fans of us knows this more than me.

"I wrote this song for our fans. I myself as a fan I know what it feels like." He said with a sweetest smile. From here I am sitting in could see some fans who are near to the stage have tears on their eyes. JT just moved their hearts with his words.

"Ehemm! So JT, do you like to share the name of your idol that you want to have selfie with?" The compère asked with a smile which somehow looked like apology.

"Hehehe… I am already working with that idol." He laughed to ease the tension in the stadium. With his words whispers began to came from the audience. The compère looked at him like asking who his idol is really. And I don't know he is working with an idol other than us. I don't like where this is going.

"HyoBin. Who else!" There! He put the bomb. Our teammates started to laugh while the audience graced him with cheers and laugh. And from the moment he announced that I started to blush in front the of our fans.

This is so uncomfortable!

"Well well, HyoBin here you have a fan in your group. How do you feel about that?" The compère teased me furthermore.

"Er… actually the five of us are his fans!" Ray said making me blush again and again. By the time he finished our ears filled with cheers. His sentence made the compère to look at me with a teasing manner.

Cough! Cough!

"Errrrrrrr….. how…. What can I say? I am one of Moons' crazy fans! I already told them a long time ago." I smirked at their dumbfounded look. The expressions on their faces turned into a sweet smiles. "So… I think JT just added me also his song. On behalf of your fans, I thank you for holding us in a special room in your heart. Right my fellow fans?" I said looking at JT but I also could see our fans agreeing with me nodding.

"Okay guys! We have a upcoming song teaser from HyoBin. What do you have to say about it?" The compère asked changing the topic in hand.

"Yes Yan! This song named as Lovely Idiot. There is more to complete and release this song as a music video. And this is my first song which I wrote long ago. After this teaser I am going to discuss with my teammates whether to make it as a solo song or our one of group songs." I said knowing I couldn't discuss it before due to my nervous.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 17, 2020 ⏰

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