Chapter 17: Those Sweet Words

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"Are you sure that you're okay?"

"That's the 7th time you've asked that in 5 minutes." I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I am fine."

"I just don't want you to get hurt again." Jeffrey's eyes were full of genuine concern.

"Doctors said to stay off soccer for 3 weeks," My dad said from the front of the car. "But you're allowed to do anything else."

I frowned in frustration. 3 weeks? What was I supposed to do for 3 weeks?

I slipped my hand into Jeffrey's when I saw him scrunch his eyebrows at my frown. It was only when I gave him a reassuring smile was when he seemed to relax.

This whole week had been insane. When we got here, Jeffrey and I were no more than two distant friends with lots of summer memories. This week, we had become something much more. It was incredible of how anti-dating I was at the start of this vacation.

Something about him changed me, though.

I loved him so much.

Just at the memory of accidently slipping my feelings, I turned red and sighed.

Jeffrey heard my sigh and pulled me close so I was leaning on his shoulder. Questions began to spin around in my partially-damaged head. Was it too soon? Is this even real? What's going to happen after this vacation?

I buried my face into his hoodie and wrapped my arms around his neck. I would miss him so much. I wanted to see him everyday. I wanted to kiss him, laugh with him, punch his shoulder..

"Are you okay?" Jeffrey whispered into my ear. I shook my head, a lump forming in my throat.

Get a grip, Skye! My head sternly scolded. You're turning into one of those desperate girls who can't live without their boyfriend!

My heart, unfortunately, didn't decide to listen.

"Can we talk when we get back?" Jeffrey murmered again. This time, I nodded.



"We'll only be out for a walk, I promise." Skye said, her blue eyes full of honesty.

Iantha raised her eyebrows and stared pointedly at Skye's head. "You sure you're up for this, honey?"

Skye glanced at me quickly and nodded. "We'll be back before one."

Iantha sighed. "Alright. Just make sure to get back in time to pack up. I don't want any girls left behind, especially those recovering from a concussion."

"Thanks, Iantha!" I said, taking Skye's hand as we began to walk down the street.

Silently, as if on telepathy, we turned down the street that had the little dirt path. I don't know how we both were thinking about it, but I guess it was a good, secluded place to talk.

As we emerged into the clearing, my breath was still taken away from the incredible view of Cape Cod. It was partially cloudy, but darker clouds in the far distance told me that rain was soon on it's way.

"So." I started awkwardly, sitting down on the bench.


I began to twiddle with my thumbs. "So..."

"Ugh, here." Skye faced me. "I'll start..."

She cleared her throat. "Jeffrey, I-I meant what I, uh, said t-the other day."

"I know." I did know. I knew from the moment we first kissed on the dance floor.

"And I know you probably think I'm some desperate freak, but-"

"Nope. I don't think that." I turned do her and put my hands on her shoulders. "If you're a desperate freak, I'm a desperate freak too."

"What?" She looked confused.

"Skye." I gazed into her blue eyes. "I love you."

"I love you, too." Her voice was barely a whisper as her eyes filled with relief.

I didn't take any hestation before swooping in for a kiss. It was incredible.

As we began to kiss harder, she pulled back a bit, whispering, "ow, ow..."

"Sorry," I grinned. "Couldn't help myself."

"Do you ever?" She smiled back and threw her arms around my neck, burying her face into my shoulder.

"I love you." I whispered one more time, watching as the dark clouds in the distance began to draw closer.



It would begin to rain as we arrived back at the house.


It was pouring even harder when we said goodbye.


We both began to tear up when we got to each other.


I hate crying. Why did the rain have to also help it be so darn dramatic?!


I kissed her and told her that I'd love her forever


I began to ask what would happen to us after this week.


I honestly didn't know the answer.


Our families began to call us back.


So I pulled her into a deep hug and told her that I'd visit whenever I could.


Darn. That one really did make me cry.


Our cars honked.


I told him one last time that I loved him, too.


I couldn't stand...

SKYE see him...


...get into the car and drive off.


I guess that there's next summer, too.






They're so cute OMG! Love these two characters so much! What did you think of this chapter?

Okay, so I have an even more important question:

Do you want me to make a sequel? Would you like it to be with ROSILAND and TOMMY, or SKYE and JEFFREY again? What kind of maturity would you guys like it to be at??

Let me know in the comments down below!




Stay awesome

-Meg <3

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