Chapter 15: Slip

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My eyes opened to sunlight streaming in through the wide-paned window. Trying to turn my head, a sharp pain ran from my neck as my head began to throb.

"Ow." I muttered, closing my eyes and hoping the pain would die out. I didn't get drunk last night, right?

The pain died out, and my senses began to come more in tact. Luckily, drinking was NOT part of the memory of last night. I had simply fell asleep with my head against the headboard of my bed.

Last night... I grinned as the memories flooded back into my brain. After the dance ended and... the kiss, it was only 9:00. We were heading back down the road a little early, but took a few detours to enjoy Cape Cod for the last few days that we had with it.

"When did you become so skilled at the Hand Jive?" I laughed as we wandered around one street parallel to the ocean, hands intertwined.

Skye turned red and buried her head into her free hand. "Oh, gosh no."

"C'mon! I told you how I learned it!"

"This one is much more humiliating. Rosalind would never let me live this down!"

"What does Rosalind have to do with it?"

"...Not answering that question."

"C'MON!" I tried reaching out to tickle her, but she skillfully blocked my shot and smirked.

"What do I get out of it?"

"Hm?" I asked, pulling her close and nuzzling her nose with mine.

"What do I get out of telling you a humiliating story?"

I leaned in and kissed her gently. When we pulled back, I smirked and asked her, "Is that enough motivation?"

She laughed while slightly flushing. At the moment, I wasn't even self-concious about kissing Skye. Every time our lips touched felt so natural that I stopped feeling embarassed about PDA. If I would have to broadcast our relationship to Cape Cod, so be it! (A/N AMEN JEFFREY)

"I guess so," Skye pouted in mock disappointment. "Anyway... So one night, I believe around 2 years ago, Jane, Batty and I were playing hide-and-seek-"

"You? Playing hide and seek?!"

"Hey! My only motive was to win so badly they wouldn't ever want to play with me again. So anyway, I was hiding at the bottom of the toy chest in the family room, and Rosalind and Tommy came in, ready to watch some weird high school movie called Grease."

"Awesome music in Grease."

"Stop interrupting me, Tifton! Geez, I swear it's like your face is your mind!"

"Are you telling me to close my mind?"

"Nah, I don't care about people's minds. I'm more into forcing their faceholes shut."

I chuckled, "Alright, go on."

"Anyway, Jane and Batty never came, but I didn't know that. Unfortunately, I was stupid enough to stay in there for the whole movie. I didn't really feel like interrupting their romantic date. Honestly. Their lovey-dovey comments were enough." She rolled her eyes and continued. "When the Hand Jive came on, it was honestly the only cool part that caught my attention. I wanted to learn it, so when Rosalind and Tommy went for a walk in Quigley, I hopped out and replayed the scene until I knew the whole thing backwards."

"That's not too bad!"

She turned red and shivered from the cold, "Please don't tell anyone."

"Of course I wouldn't." I said, throwing my zip-up over her shoulders. We walked a little more in silence before Skye suddenly veered to the right.

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