Chapter 11: One Rainy Day...

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I'm waking up, I feel it in my bo-ones/'Nuff to make my systems blo-ow

I hummed off tune to the music that was playing from my phone. Ah, Imagine Dragons. You are my inspiration. Scribbling an answer down in my Calculus workbook, I swung my pencil around as I pondered the next question.

Radioactive! Radioactive! My phone sang. I sighed longingly at the thought of a radioactive apocolypse. It wouldn't be as fantastic as a black hole sucking in the earth, but it was a close second in my opinion.

Suddenly, my door creaked as someone pushed it open. Looking up abruptly, I saw Batty and Ben standing in the doorway.

I sighed, staring back down at my homework. "What do you want?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Well," Batty shifted her weight from side to side. "Ben and I heard from Jeffrey that you won a big butterfly from the carnival. We wanted to see it."

"YEAH!" Ben exclaimed, jumping up and down excitedly. "Butterflies are my much favorite!" (A/N AWWW)

I softened a little bit. I had forgotten about the butterfly, and was thinking about giving it to the younger kids after I had won it. Guess it must have slipped my mind.

"Uh..." I swung off the bed walked over to my closet. Pulling it open, I picked up the butterfly and threw it in Batty's direction. "Here."

Batty and Ben's face lit up in delight. "Ben," Batty exclaimed. "He's just like the one we saw at the museum yesterday!"

Ben grinned, then noticed my solemn face as I flopped back onto my bed and flipped open my workbook.

"Skye?" He asked.

"What's up, ginger boy?"

"Why have you been so moody lately?"

My head shot up. "Where did you learn that word?"

Ben looked alarmed, then pointed to Batty, who was frantically shaking her head.

"Batty!" I slapped myself in the forehead. "Save the sass for when your brother is older than 5! Geez!"

"In all fairness," she held up one hand as if to say, Hold up!. "I heard Jane describing you as that the last few days. Don't sue me."

"How did you even-" I began, then sighed in defeat. "I heard the butterfly's name is Henry. Have fun with him."

The delighted look struck their faces again as they raced out of the room, yelling "HENRY! HENRRYY!!"

Since they left the door open, I got up to close it. Just as I was about to slam it, I saw Alec passing by in the hallway, whistling happily.

"Skye!" He said, smiling. "I haven't talked to you much these last few days. How are you?"

I liked Alec. I really did. Just... the way he smiled, and the way he cocked his head to the side a little bit... It reminded me too much of Jeffrey. I really didn't feel like thinking about Jeffrey right now.

"I've been pretty good," I said, forcing a smile on my face.

Alec's face immediately dropped, "Now, I've seen some mood swings of yours before," he solemnly stated. "but I haven't encountered such a mood like this. Are you okay?"

"Sure," I said, continuing to plaster a smile on my face. Another hard stare and my guard dropped a little bit. "I'm okay."

Once Alec crossed his arms stubbornly and raised one eyebrow goofily, I began to laugh. I laughed so hard that I collapsed to the floor and sat down right there on the stairs. "If I have to be honest, I'm doing terribly."

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