Chapter 12: And Suddenly, It Starts!

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"I'm ti-i-ired!" Jane complained, limping along behind as rolled my eyes and jogged slower.

Geez, you let your sister tag along for ONE outing...

"C'mon, lazy butt. We need to get in shape for next soccer season!" I called out, not even turning around to watch her pant restlessly and quicken her run to match my slow jog.

"Are you kidding? Soccer season just ended! When did you have time to do all this conditioning between Calculus and astrophysics classes, anyway?" Jane whimpered, taking a swig of water.

"I actually wake up at my alarm, compared to you." I replied, nudging her slightly.

"There's a difference. Your alarm is at like 5:30 in the morning!" Jane whined.

I shrugged, "It's better than 5 minutes before the bell rings."

"Hey!" She exclaimed. "I can get ready in a span of 5 minutes! There's a difference between me and you!"

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes and continued to jog. Honestly, I don't see why she hasn't exploded from all the last-minute work she does.

"Can- we- turn- back- nooww?" Jane wheezed, trying to keep up with my already snail-like pace.

"We've only run for five blocks!"

"My point exactly. I don't do running, I do skilled soccer."

"Which includes running."

"Tell me, Skye. Is there any way you could ever be less smartaleck-y?"

"Nope," I shook my head proudly and slowly halted so she could catch her breath. "You're stuck with me, sister."

"Golly," She put her hands on her knees and gladly drowned the bottle of water I handed to her. "You're in an awful good mood today."

My face clouded, remembering the term Ben had acquired from my besotted sister. "Jane, did you tell Ben and Batty that I was being moody?"

"Isn't it obvious that you were?"

"Answer!" I barked.

"Nope, I only was talking to Rosalind about it when we were at the butterfly museum-which was beautiful, by the way. I guess they must've overheard." She grinned triumphantly. "Aren't you glad I kept my guts together for at least that?"

"You are pretty good for spilling your guts." I mumbled, nodding.

"Or vomiting them." She shto back, a twinkle beginning to show in her eye.

"Or dissecting them."

"Or exploding them."

We fell into a fit of laughter. As annoying and floaty as Jane is, it's nice having her as a sister. Even when she goes off on a fit of Sabrina Starr.

"I might want to show you something when I get back." Jane said, now almost fully recovered from the run.

Speak of the devil...

"Please, oh please. Don't let it be about Sabrina Starr." I pleaded.

"Sabrina is very much offended by that remark," Jane gasped, half-jokingly. "But no, I'm afraid she is not going to make an appearence during your company."

"Speak in modern-day language, thanks."

"Never!" Jane shouted as she sprinted ahead. We made a rousing race for home, whooping and hollering the whole way.



(Yes, it does start now.)

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