Chapter 16: The Hospital

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Thump. Thump. Thump.

Son of a mad cow. I felt like whacking my head just to get the pounding sound out. It felt like a bomb ready to go off, echoing through my skull and vibrating through my body. In other words, it was annoying

Thump. Thump. Thump.

SHUT UP! I internally screamed. I'm TRYING to sleep here!

The thumping sound didn't cease much, and I groaned loudly, trying to turn over onto my side.

OUCH! A sharp pain from my head forced my eyes open as I squinted and moaned in pain.

"Holy shiz." I groaned. "Ow ow ow ow ow."

"Thank God." I heard a voice from my right side. "Looks like someone's finally up."

The sound of the voice rang through my head and felt like microphone feedback.

"Where am I?" I asked groggily, staying in position to avoid inducing more pain if I turned to face the speaker.

"You put the puzzle pieces together. You go insane, trip on a sand dune, hit your head on the curb, and almost get run over by a car."

"I'm too tired for puzzles." I groaned, closing my eyes due to dizziness. "If you haven't noticed, my brain might as well be Jello by now. I can barely remember anything."

"Just open your eyes."

I forced my eyes open, but shut them again due to dizziness. "As soon as the carousel stops."

I heard a bling from the right side of the room, and winced at the ringing it started in my head.

"Sorry, I was just sending a text to your dad. He's getting food in the cafeteria right now."

"Ughh." I moaned. "You're talking is making my ears ring. It's annoying. Stop. Who's there, anyway?"

Footsteps rumbled from below as the bed below me elevated. Ow, ow, ow.

"Shh... Shh..." I could just barely make out bright green eyes as they stared at me in concern and held something to my lips. Liquid poured into my mouth. It tasted nasty.

"What the heck was that?!" I protested, attempting to ignore the bitter aftertaste it left in my mouth.

"Here, chase it down with some water." Another liquid poured into my mouth, this time a lot more neutral. I could feel my parched throat was soothed by the water.

"Jeffrey?" I squinted, but could only see a blurry figure of a man.

"Shh.. Don't worry about me." Jeffrey took my clammy hand in his and kissed it. "Your father is bringing a nurse and we'll hopefully be out by tomorrow."

My memory still had not come back. I couldn't even remember what had happened that had caused so much pain in my head.

Before I could ask Jeffrey what had again happened, my father rushed in with a tray, murmuring grateful words that I was alive. A nurse and what seemed to be Iantha followed shortly.

"Just relax, Skye." Jeffrey whispered, still clutching onto my hand as the blurry nurse rearranged some tubes on her cart.

Too exhausted to think anything, I fell back asleep.



"Well, she's at least alive." I announced to the sisters, Ben, and Dad.

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