The first hit felt like hell (wip)

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WIP based off Adam (Reformatory) by Nicole Dollanganger
Content Warning: abusive relationship, both physically and emotionally (though this is a very brief Drabble)
I've made many variations of this before but this is the more recent one? I want to represent as mindfully as I can though, if anyone is inaccurate please let me know!


The first time Nyma hit him he was overcome with shock.

She never hit him before.

Nyma never laid a hand on him. Not like this.

It was awful.

It felt like his whole world had shattered when she clawed his face, hitting it with such force his neck snapped at the impact. His head twisting back suddenly as he gasped, eye wide as the realization settled in not too long after the sting.

A red hand print was left on his cheek, followed by just the barest hint of scratch marks. Leaving behind a white break of the artificial skin layer. A angry red line fading into view as he raised a shaky finger to brush over it. The scratch hissed hotly, his cold fingers a harsh contrast to the burn the claws left behind.

His eyes drifted back to Nyma, who's infuriated face has morphed into one of equal shock and fear. Her eyebrows knitting together as her expression dropped, blue eyes shimmering with unshed tears as her mouth opened and closed just barely.


She contorted into a mess of ugly sobs as knees buckled to the floor. Hands gripping the cold tile shakily as she held a hand over her lips.

"What have I done...?"


Lance had grown accustomed to her hits by now. What was once a cruel surprise had turned to a daily routine.

They would start out happy, Lance would do something wrong, Nyma would get angry, they fought, she hit him, she cried, he comforted her, they laughed.

And the cycle would continue.

Petty slaps formed into deep cuts from sharpened nails to full blown kicks and punches to digging her claws into his throat.

Cutting off his air supply until he was left on the brink of passing out. It was only then she would let go and begin to sob, claiming she hadn't realized what she was doing and begged for forgiveness. Her crying was so painful and heartbreaking he couldn't do anything but forgive her, if it meant she would smile at him again. And it worked.

But only for so long. Before she would revert back, and it would repeat itself again and again.

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