b r e a t h (wip)

683 9 0

All my writings were deleted so I have to rewrite everything now and I'm still pissed off. 

Not exactly a violent chapters but I'll put in warnings just in case.

Warning: implied injury, struggle to breath, passing out. 


Lance couldn't breath.

The world seemed to fade before him, his vision swam and his heart thumped loudly in his ears. Something was clogged up his airways, rendering him unable to breath. His chest plate and suit suddenly felt too tight, and he could feel his body throbbing and pulsing.

His limbs didn't seem to work anymore, laying limply and helplessly at his sides as he laid sprawled out on the cold metal metal floor. The lights felt too bright, his surroundings warping as his vision faded in and out of focus.

He opened to mouth, as if to try and speak, but no words came out. His mouth felt painfully dry; wheezing, gurgly breaths came out slowly and harshly. He almost choked on his tongue, murmuring helplessly.

What happened?

He was in such a state of shock, he hardly registered the moments before. The only thing he could remember was finding it hard to breath and the pulsing white hot pain in his neck. 

He then saw two armored feet in front, as he weakly looked up to see two yellow eyes glaring down at him. The eyes were so cold and menacing that they sent shivers throughout his chilling body, and he felt although all the air left his lungs. But with the way things were going, they might as well have been.

Suddenly a warbled voice entered through Lance's cotton filled ears, "...foolish paladin." The voice spoke, becoming clearer and Lance heard its raspy and deep voice echo to his core.  "If only you just learned to stay out of my way..." the figure lifted its foot and slowly started to press it down on his neck, causing Lance to choke as the pain came flashing back. It was so overwhelming that he could no longer focus on anything but the agonizing pain that overcame his body. 

"...No matter... you'll be out of my way soon enough..." and their voice pressed down harder, cutting off his airway completely.

The figure's voice faded away, becoming a droning noise that merged with the ringing in his ears, as he was overcome with the panicked beating of his heart and the slow pulses of his body. His vision started fading as the black and purple merged together, and he struggled breath once again, finding it impossible.

He choked, trying desperately inhale even the smallest bit of air, but finding him to weak to even attempt it. Falling limp as he slowly faded out of consciousness, hearing nothing but the continuous ringing of his ears. 


I may continue this one, what do you think?

Leave a comment! They are my fuel and motivation! <3

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