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Writing warm- up for my upcoming fic with Lance suffering from brain damage.

I did my best to write the after-effects of trauma, and I'm researching TBI to make sure the fic is as accurate as possible.


Lance screamed.

He yelled, and shrieked, and shouted, and cried. His face turned red and his mouth ran dry, he screamed until his voice gave out, exhausted from abuse as he began to sob. His eyes filling up with tears as they flowed down his cheeks and dripped from his chin, he sobbed until he couldn't breath, gasping in between hiccups and sniffs.

All his pent-up anger and frustration, came spilling out. The boy overflowing with emotion as he dug in hands into his hair, pulling at the strands as his vision clouded from tears.

He began to shrink in on himself, curling up slowly before hands slowly brushed over his, easing them out of his hair. They were cold, yet warm, strangely comforting as they rubbed circles on the back of his hands.

"It's ok, just let it out."

That only made him cry harder, as the boy started slowly rocking himself back and forth, whimpering as he hugged himself. His hands gripping tightly into his shoulders, as he heaved, brows furrowed deeply and teeth clenched together. Whimpering as he nearly ripped his shirt with his nails, grunting angrily as he clawed at the fabric.  He must've started scratching it fiercely because the hands were back on his, pulling them away and holding them together.

"Hey..." the voice hummed, "Just relax, everything is gonna be fine."

Lance's muscles relaxed, his shoulders no longer so hunched up and tensed as he calmed down.

"Breath with me buddy. In... and out..."

Lance closed his eyes as he breathed in deeply through his nose, before exhaling out through his mouth.

"That's good. Again, in... out..."

In... out...

A few minutes later, Lance was calm again. Resting against Shiro's body as the man soothingly rubbed circles on his back, as Lance listened to his steady heartbeat lull him to sleep.


This may be incorporated into the fic, but I am inside as I am still very early in the writing process for the first chapter.

If anyone knows anything about Traumatic Brain Injury (whether from some sort of personal experience or just in general) please tell me! I want to stay accurate as possible to these kind of things.

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