Skyfall (w.i.p)

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The ship exploded.

Shiro heard a high pitched shriek as it jerked, the metal grinding and screaming as the side of the ship suddenly tore off. The chunk of metal flying away as a gush of wind came rushing out, causing the man to lose his balance as he tripped, grabbing onto the wall desperately to avoid flying out.

"Shiro! Help!"

The man snapped his head up to look for where the sound came from, his eyes widening in horror as he fell upon the sight of the blue paladin, gripping the wall for dear life as half his body hung out the gaping hole of the ship.


The teen looked so horrified, his eyes wide and filled with absolute terror. He held onto the edge of the hole, wincing from the sharp metal cutting into his skin as he brushed against it.

Thankfully, his helmet was still on. Which meant if they crashed that he'd be fine. Or at least... better than he'd be without it.

"Oh god oh god oh god," Lance whimpered, trying to push himself further into the ship, but the force of gravity was too strong, even Allura would struggle to fight against it.

"Lance!" Shiro called, "Just... hang on buddy! I'm coming to get you!"

"I can't do anything but hang on!" He replied in what would normally be a joke, but given the situation, it didn't sit very well.

"You're doing great!" Shiro encouraged, trying to figure out how to move other without getting sucked out. "Can you activate your jetpack?"

Lance frowned, focusing on his jetpack as it shot brief flashes of blue flames, before sputtering and dying out with a cracking sound. If he looked scared before, he looked beyond terrified now.

"I think it got damaged!" He shouted back, "Oh god, Shiro what do I do?!"

Shiro cursed under his breath, he was their leader, the black paladin, he was supposed to be prepared, to know exactly what to do. And yet, faced with this fire situation, he found himself unable to find a solution.

"Just... stay calm." He spoke, keeping his voice loud and even. "Try not to freak out."

"Well you try to stay calm when you're getting sucked out a ship onto some random alien planet!" Lance snapped, yelping as his grip nearly slipped.

"Please! Just try and relax, I'll try to get to you as soon as I can."

Shiro looked around once more, surveying his surroundings as he faintly heard Lance murmur in Spanish, presumably either cussing him and the situation out or giving a quick prayer.

The Japanese man tried to find something that could be used as a rope, or perhaps a way to slow down the shuttle as it hurtled faster towards the ground.

He only had seconds -minutes if he was lucky- before impact.

"Shiro! Look out!"

The man whipped his head up to see debris from the ship came flying in.

Straight for his head.

He went to duck, but want fast enough, as debris crashes into his head, successfully knocking him over as his helmet rolled off, sweeping out the gaping hole as it cascaded down onto the planet.

Well shit.

Suddenly, he found himself slipping, rolling around, getting closer to the tear of the ship as he neared the edge, getting viciously sucked out by the gravity.

Double shit.

Lance let out a shriek, looking as if he were about to reach out for Shiro, though he still desperately hung on. Unable to do anything but watch as they neared their doom.

In a panicked rush, Shiro reached out with his prosthetic to cling onto the edge, clutching the debt his arm made as he hung out the side. His feet dangling as the metal creaked from his grasp, and his shoulder aches from grabbing on so roughly. Muscles straining to hold on as long as possible.

"What now?!" Lance shouted, yelping as he slipped further ever so slightly.

Shiro was silent. What now? They only had a few options, none of which had a likely chance of working out for them. It was either hang on until the ship crashes and they blow up, or let go and hope for the best.

...There was only one thing to do then.

"Lance," he spoke in a loud and somehow calm voice, "On my count, we need to let go."

"What?!" Lance shrieked, giving Shiro a incredulous look. "That's crazy!"

"It's the only option we have," he responded. "If we're lucky the ground will be extremely soft or I can jetpack ourselves to a slower descend."

"And if not?"

"...Then it's been a honor flying with you Lance."

The Cuban's eyes widened, before his face became solemn, a new serious tone overtaking him. "You too."

Shiro managed to give the paladin a small smile. "Ok, on the count of three. One... two..."

He never made it to three. As the ship suddenly jerked, causing the two to lose their grip as they flew off. Screaming as they tumbled through the air, reaching the ground faster and faster. Plummeting towards a land of sharp, gray rocks.

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