| Unexpected Surprise | 10 |

125 6 6

Sorry for the long wait but I'm finally back. Yay. I'm so sorry

It's been a few months since we last escaped, I'm getting quite use to this life. James started to speak more but just one word, for example he'll look at me and say 'strawberry' either meaning do you want strawberry or he wants strawberries. Which is nice since it means that he's getting more comfortable around me, makes me feel special. I was sitting on the couch, waiting for James to come back from the store. It's really lonely without James.

I soon heard some footsteps on the door so I rushed to open it but I hesitate since I heard voices. I immediately started to panic, what if it's someone who's going to take us back to the asylum, what if its a monster! Wait, monsters isn't real. I took a step back as the door open and I saw two James but one was wearing a bandana. I immediately got confused but them remember that he has a twin. I think his name is Hercules? Like that Disney character from Hercules, thats a great movie, I adore the songs there. I'm getting off topic. I expected Hercules to yell at James for escaping but instead they were both silent.

I looked at James with a confuse face and all he did was raise his hand meaning wait, I'll give an explanation later. They both enter the house and I took the twins coat and put it on the coat rack. "What's happening?" James put the groceries on the table "This asshole randomly showed up" I raised a brow. "What is he doing here?" James shrugged and looked at his brother. I guess they weren't in a fighting mood today. I looked at the twin as well. "Are you trying to take us back?" He immediately shook his head "No no, I'm not. I was just worried. I thought you guys were dead since the staff in the hospital couldn't find you two. And I'm also here to warn you guys"

James and I both looked at each other then back at Herc "Warn us about what?" ... "Laf is trying to get you two back in the asylum, I don't know why but that's all he's been talking about the past few days."

Word count: 387

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