Chapter II

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  Tegan walked into the entrance hallway and into the surprisingly well lit Archives. Hallways upon hallways loomed ahead of her, with rooms filled with literature from all ages and peoples. She Pulled book after book, fascinated by the knowledge held in the ancient tomes, all of which were in exquisite conditon. Several times she wondered if there was a caretaker in this massive building, which stood five stories tall and windowless. After somehow finding a stairwell to the upper floors, she resolved to advance her search from the ground floor. 

  It eventually dawned on her she would not be able to find her way back to the entrance, a wave of anxiety befalling her. She dropped the book she was reading and frantically walked down hallway after hallway, each leading deeper into the bowls of the Archives. In the midst of her self-created terror, she ended up in a wonderful kitchen. Fresh fruits, salted meats, wines from centuries ago; it was an amazing sight that calmed her almost immediately. As she picked up a rather large bottle of red wine, a sudden voice from behind her made her nearly drop and subsequently destroy such a valuable drink.

  "And what are you doing in here, Madame Elf?" the calm and female voice asked. Tegan placed the bottle down and turned, hand on her sword hilt. The woman was a Dark Elf, her pale purple skin glistening in the chandelier light. Her hair was pulled into a tight braided ponytail that fell to her bottom, and a blindfold stretched across her eyes. Her robes were orange aand brown, with golden runes of some draconic sort inscribed throughout. She wore brown leggings and her feet were wrapped in cloth. She seemd like some sort of monk, but Tegan knew better than to underestimate any newcomer.

  "I could ask you the same. They say the Archives are abandoned, yet here you are," Tegan said slowly, looking the woman over. The Dark Elf walked closer to Tegan, gracefully avoiding anything in her way despite her blindfold. Tegan squinted as her grip tightened on the hilt of her blade.

  "This place has a caretaker. That is who I am. Now, sweet Elf, tell me why you intrude in such a peaceful place. I haven't had a visitor in six-hundred years, I believe," the woman said. Tegan took a step back; the Dark Elf looked about the same age as Tegan, but she said six hundred years?

  "My name is Tegan. I am here to find out more about my people," she explained as she eased up and released her hand.

  "I'm sure the pleasure is all mine, Miss Tegan. You can call me Faelyn, although names become useless in solitude." The one called Faelyn bowed graciously and smiled. She was an absolute beauty, Tegan thought. How could she survive in here alone? And is she really that old

  "Well, Faelyn, I will take my leave if that is okay with you," Tegan said, trying to walk past her. But Faelyn quickly grabbed her arm with surprising speed and strength.

  "Please, let me make you supper. You must famished after such a journey, yes?" Faelyn asked with that same beautiful smile. Tegan felt a wave of calm wash over her suddenly; was she falling in love? Or was she just tired? Her mind felt muddled, her thoughts swirling around in her head. She suddenly felt her stomach growl at her, and her legs became slightly weaker.

  "Sure. Yes, a meal would be much welcomed," Tegan felt herself say. Did she say that herself, or was she forced to? Her head became much more flooded as Faelyn smiled. 

  "Good! Excellent! Please, sit at the table, I shall be back momentarily with something to eat," Faelyn said, taking Tegan's hand and leading her to the dining hall, which was just as magnificent as the rest of the Archives. 

  Tegan sat and slumped slightly in the perfectly carven chair she sat upon. What was happening to her? She felt starved, and also butterflies when she thought about Faelyn. She was gorgeous, and Tegan hadn't bene physically attracted to, well, anyone since she could remember. The years of being alone made sure to that. It must be a spell of some sort, she resolved. No, she countered in her own mind, it was not spell. Faelyn really was beautiful. And if she could, well, she would absolutely bed her!  No sooner had she ended the internal debate did Faelyn walk in carrying a large silver platter of roasted mutton and vegetables. She placed it in front of Tegan and pour her a glass of wonderful smelling wine. Tegan immediately tore into the meal while Faelyn sat beside her.

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