day one ~ 14

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He already had several shrines that he either hadn't started or hadn't finished.
So, he was going to them. Not the one in Hateno, though. He... didn't want to go through that again.

The group was following him around as he did this, waiting outside of the shrines.
He refused to tell them what these were or why he was going inside of them, but they didn't actually ask to many questions about it.

It felt like all the shrines he was finding were tests of strength, and he really didn't feel like doing those at the moment. And, to add to his frustration, he couldn't teleport to any if the shrines because he didn't want to show those travelers. He also didn't want to just leave for an hour and a half with no explanation.

Not that showing them that he could teleport was such a terrible thing if he was already activating and going into shrines in front of them. Whatever.
Anyway, if they really were Yiga, they wouldn't need to see him using the Sheikah slate to know he was the hero.

He ended up not being able to get enough shrines by the end of the day. So this plan was already going great.

But he decided to stay up late to finish this. Sleep wasn't that important, right? Anyway, he could just drink a stamina elixir or something

So he worked away all night, making his way through shrines and getting spirit orbs.
He didn't even realize how late it had gotten until he saw the sun coming up. But he only needed one more spirit orb to get that last heart, so he couldn't take a break yet.

The problem was, he had been unable to find another shrine. The only one left that he knew the location of was the one in Hateno. He had done all of the minor and moderate tests of strength, and he had tried to do a major test, but he ended up bailing on it. So he had to do the Hateno shrine.

So he downed one of his many stamina elixirs and went inside.
After a couple failed attempts, he had an idea. It was the best idea he had had in ages. Probably. Maybe.

He simply had to flip the maze platform over.
And luckily, it worked. After three tries. Still, it made the shrine ten times easier.

So he went and got the Master sword, and he was on his way. Well, not quite.
He had finished the Hateno shrine at 10 in the morning, and he was exhausted. So he decided to take a quick, short nap before he went to do Vah Medoh.

He woke up at 8 o'clock in the morning the next day.


~463 words~
~this chapter and the next two are gonna be shorter than usual, since I don't want to cram all three days into one chapter lol. I hope that's okay :)~

Trust Me (LoZ- Link Universe- BotW) (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora