time limit, part 2 ~ 13

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"Gave myself a time limit. Three days."

One of them- the oldest of the group- coughed.

"What, is something wrong with that?"
"No, just... you're going to get pretty stressed. I speak from experience."
"I can handle a bit of stress."

Another guy laughed. "Sure doesn't seem like it to me."
He pointed at them angrily. "Shut the fuck up. I don't need your opinion."
"Yeah, okay. Are you gonna yell at me with your puny little voice?"

He balled up his fists and walked up to his offender- the guy with pink on the ends of his hair- as calmly as he could.

He went to take hold of his shoulder, but he dodged. So, instead of grabbing his shoulder, he grabbed his hair on accident. Good enough.

He yanked it, making the other guy stumble in surprise. Now that he was closer, he held onto his shoulder and whispered,
"Don't do that again or I will literally kill you. I'm not afraid to do it."

"Legend, what are you doing with that?"

Ah. So this was Legend.
And what did Legend have?

He saw it. A sword.
Legend shoved him away and swung his sword at him. He jumped away, making time slow down around him. He took out his bow and shot an arrow at Legend.
It hit his side just as time resumed to it's normal speed, causing him to stumble back with a yelp.

"What the fuck was that for!?"
"Why were you about to hit me with a sword?"
"I- ugh."

Legend went to take the arrow out, but he stopped him.
"Don't do that. It'll make you bleed more. Does someone have a cloth?"
No responses. He groaned and took his shirt off. He pressed it against Legend's side and held onto the arrow.

Then, he yanked it out, making Legend shout out in pain.
"You could have warned me you were gonna do that!"
He only shrugged and tightly wrapped the shirt around Legend's torso.
"Hey, I can barely breath when it's that tight."
"Calm down. It's not that bad. See, I can fit my hand in."
"You have small hands, though."

He didn't reply to that, instead turning to everyone else.
"Anyway, my time limit starts tomorrow. Don't get in the way."


He had already planned it out.

Day one: grind shrines to get the master sword. He only needed a few more hearts.
Day two: complete Vah Medoh.
And day three: complete Vah Nabooris.

Hopefully he'd be able to do all that in three days. He hadn't really given himself much time.
Well, he couldn't back down now. They'd probably think even less of him if he did that.


~449 words~

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