new ~ 4

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"So, do you already have a sleeping bag?"
"Okay. We can get you one, then."
"Don't need one."
"What? Why not?"
"Don't like them. Can't sleep like that."
"Huh. Okay then. Why not?"
"Dunno. Kinda makes my back hurt."
"You look really young, though. Did you hurt yourself?"
"Dunno. It's possible. And I'm not a young as you think. I've been alive for a really long time."

The way he worded that was odd, but Legend paid no mind to it. This new guy was just odd in general.

He didn't talk much. He paraphrased everything. And he answered everyone's questions really vaguely. It was like he didn't know the answers to the questions, even if they were basic, like his age. Wind had asked him his age and he just said "young adult, I guess." Time had asked how old he was when he started, and he didn't even answer the question directly. He responded with "a couple weeks ago."

Other questions, he just didn't answer. He'd just stare at the castle if it was about Zelda. He'd just play with his hair if it about his personal life. Especially people he knows. It was like he didn't even know anybody.

"Tomorrow, I need to go to Zora's Domain."
Time nodded. "Okay."
"We'll be there for about two or three days. Something important I have to do there."
"Got it."

The new guy blinked, looking at the flat rock-looking thing.
"There's a place I want to go to on the way there."


Today, they'd start going to Zora's Domain. And the memory.

They packed everything up and began the journey.

They walked along a path for a while. He was in the lead, looking at his map occasionally.

Eventually, they reached the memory spot.
He held his hand out, making the group stop. He looked down at the Skeikah slate, then back up again. He walked of the path and into the trees. He looked around for a bit before he found it.

He looked at the slate again, then back up. His eyes widened, and he remembered.

*won't write the memory cuz I'm lazy, might do it some other time*
(Its the memory where he and Zelda are running away and she falls and cries and stuff)(also known as despair)

He stepped back, frowning.


He turned and walked back to the others.

"What did you do?" Legend questioned.
Link shrugged.
"Doesn't matter."

He climbed onto his horse and began moving.

Behind him, everyone was talking. He sped up. He didn't like it.

That memory...
What happened?
Why was the Princess so upset?
He shrugged. It wasn't important right now.


After what seemed like ages, they finally got to Zora's Domain. The new guy seemed to be ignoring them. It was like they weren't even there.

They hadn't really been in a situation like this, where the new Link just ignored them completely. This one seemed a little off, too. He didn't have the same feel to him. Twilight was starting to doubt that this was the right person.

That hadn't happened before, though. Usually, the new Link was one of the first few people they found. But then, they usually didn't come in the middle of their quest. Most of the time, it was soon after.

He remembered that he had been excited to meet the new Link. After all, it was his first time doing this. He had been with the others for quite a while now. Time said that it had been an unusually long time between when they found him and this new one.

What would they call him? They couldn't really give him a name right now, seeing as how they knew almost nothing about him. And when would they tell him that they were all Link?


"Bye. I'm off to... do something."
Twilight looked over at the new guy, who was looking off at a huge plunge of water coming from somewhere in the mountains.
He looked back at the group and nodded.
"You can leave. I prefer traveling alone, anyway."

Then, he followed the red Zora- Prince Sidon- away from the city.


The new guy. He was quiet. He didn't seem to know much about himself, or his past. His Hyrule was huge and open.

Hyrule could relate. After all, he had been in a similar situation. Although, there were none of those spider things back in his Hyrule.

He was leaning against a rail, and he had been standing here for a while. This place was beautiful. Well, aside from the constant rain. The Zoras were so kind and helpful.
He looked behind him at the large statue of a Zora girl. She looked nice. That was an odd thing to think about a statue, but it was true.

Earlier, before he had left, the new guy had been talking to the tall red Zora and the old grumpy Zora by the statue. Then, at some point during the conversation, he just froze and wouldn't respond to anything. Then, after a good ten minutes, he came back to his senses and immediately ran off. He had come back a few minutes later, and had been in a weird mood since.

Hyrule wondered what he was doing now. He had gone off with that red Zora to do who knows what. It probably had something to do with his quest.

What even was this Link's quest, anyway? He hadn't said anything about it. In fact, he seemed to be hiding it from them. Like he didn't quite trust them. They weren't that suspicious, were they? As far as he knew, they were just a group of experienced travelers. But maybe that was just it. They were experienced. They had nice weapons and armor. He had plenty reason to be suspicious. Especially since this world seemed so... wild.


~976 words~

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