Chapter 2

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I woke up feel refreshed. I got out of bed and headed to my burrow where my outfit for the day is laying, I picked a purple underwear set, a purple tank top, a purple toto and rainbow leggings. I shower and get dressed. I apply some mascara and eye liner and look in the mirror. Damn I look good, but there's one thing missing. My purple beanie! I run to my closet and grab my beanie off the shelf. I throw it on. Much better. I grab my skate board and walk down stairs. I look at my phone and see its 11 damn I slept in late. I put my phone in the waistband of my leggings and grab an apple and eat it quickly. No one is around, hmm I go to get a glass of water to see a note on the fridge.

-Sweetie me and your father are out shopping, your brother said to tell you he will be at the skate park. See you later -love always mom.
He left without me?!? Prick! I run outside and get on my board. I keep my eyes on the road and go as fast as I can. I'm sooo close! Just gotta pass this short amount of woods. I get to the skate park to see Duke talking to Mikey, I skate to them.
"Hey Ava duke said his friends are in their way. Get warmed up." Mikey says. I roll my eyes and start skating, I continue skating one I saw people arrived, I decided to show off and do a trick that not many people can do. Once I land safely I hear people clapping. I ignore it until I hear Barbie Marisa start squealing.
"See that girl, her name is Ava shes my bestfriend!" She yells to everyone. Everyone said she was lucky to be my friend. I laughed to myself. Haha now I'm you friend because I impressed people what the fuck. Like damn. Then I hear her annoying voice again.
"Jakeyyyy! See her! Thats the new girl. Spew are like tight already." She says excitedly.
"Dude my sister doesn't even like you! She's not into the whole preppy people. Shes one to get down and dirty and not give a fuck." He snaps at her. Then I hear that new guy I'm guessing Jake yell at my brother. I stop skating when I hear him threaten Mikey.
"Dude leave ma girl alone or I'll beat your ass!" Jake yells at Mikey.
I hear them throw cuss words at each other until Jake throws a punch at my brother. Thats when I lost it. I went up behind Jake and punched him in the back of his head. Yup thats right I am bad ass! A bad past makes you stronger! Jake falls forward and Duke catches him. Marisa comes at me and slaps my face. Oh hell no! I turn and punch her dead straight in the face. She falls back and whines like a baby, I turn back to Jake he's standing with his back faced me.
"The mute bitch fucked with the wrong guy!" Jake yells. People back away even Duke as Jake turns around and looks at me. His eyes go into shock as he takes in my eyes. Before he can make another move I hook him in the jaw. He backs up and holds his jaw. He laughs. Did he just laugh?
"Your very pretty mute girl." Jake says. I give him the finger. I help up Mikey who now has a black eye forming. I push my hair back to let Mikey out his arm around me. I hear Jake growl. Did he just? He did! He growled! I send a glare at him and he pushes Mikey to the ground and holds me arms.
"Whats that on your neck?" He asks angry. I try to say something but my throat closes up. Fuck why. He leans down and kisses me. I feel warmth spread through my body. Shit! I bring my knee up to meet his family jewels. He stumbles back.
"Don't ever fucking touch me! I will kill you!" I scream. Shit! I talked!
"Mikey oh my god I talked! I found my voice!" I scream jumping up. Mikey gets up and hugs me.
"I knew you would. Now will you tell me about that day?" He asks in a whisper.
"No, its a nightmare." I state starting to shake.
"I'm going home, will you go get some pizzas?" I ask him. Loving my voice. My voice like no way! I'm soooo happy.
"Of course see you at home." Mikey says smiling. I take off on my board heading home. I pass Brandon and Nick who are in Brandon's front yard playing football.
I get into my drive way and see him. Dylan King. I get off my skate board and walk backwards. He stands up and walks towards me. Holding me in place.
"My poor Ava. Why did you leave me? Why did you stop your nightly jogs? Your mine." He says, I start shaking in fear.
" kidnaped me. You bit me then knocked me out! I woke up with a fucking tat of your name! I'm not yours! You creep. Go back home! Stay away from me!" I yell trying to break out of his grip.
"Ava!" He growls. "Quiet down! People will hear! I'm in an enemy's land! You will come with me!" He continues to growl. I finally slip out of his hands and run into the woods across the road. I ran for a few minutes before Dylan caught me. I fell on my face on a rock. I slowly get up and feel my face, liquid all over it.
"See what happens when you don't listen. Okay now I will give you a piece of appear you will write a runaway note and we will leave. Don't both to get anything, I'll buy you anything you want." He says. God he needs help.
"I don't want to go with you!" I yell. Slap. He just hit me... Ouch. I go to punch him back and he slams me against a tree. I feel pain shoot up my spine. I cry out.
"Your my mate lets go! I'll make you feel better when we get home." He says.
He walks away and punches a tree. Thats when I hear a twig snap. I look over to see Brandon and Nick. They look over my face. Brandon rushes to me. Right as he gets to me I hear a growl. I look to see Dylan running at us.
"I'll go! Don't hurt them!" I yell out. Dylan stops and grins.
"Good lets go." He says holding out his hand. I reluctantly take it. We walk through the woods in the opposite way of my house. We get to the edge of the woods and see a lake.
"Let's get you cleaned up." Dylan whispers. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you."
I shrug. I lean down and wash my face. I stand up to hear a growl. It wasn't like Dylan's growl. I look to see a big guy with Jake, Duke, Brandon and Nick.
"What are you doing on my land rouge?" The big guy asks.
"Grabbing my mate." Dylan says.
"She's not your mate! Shes my sons mate." The guy says. Jake steps forward.
"Look at her neck! Thats my claim!" Dylan growled.
"We will give you one chance to leave, without the girl. Or we will simply kill you." Dylan growls and turn into a giant wolf and takes off running. I scan over the guys. I feel like I'm gonna faint. Did that just happen?
"Uhh Alpha. I don't think she knew about us." Brandon says. I look wide eyed at them. I need to run. I take off running as fast as I can dodging trees heading for my house. I finally made it after 15 minutes of non stop running. I get there to see Mikey talking to Jake. I see them shake hands. Shit, how did he get here so fast. Jake turns around and winks at me. I run past them up to my room and fall onto my bed. I curl into a ball under my covers and cry. A guy who bit me is a wolf. This town is probably made of wolves. Also Dylan wants me as well as Jake. What am I going to do?
I finally get up and walk down stairs. There sitting in the couch is Mikey, Jake, Brandon, Duke and Nick. Their all playing videos games. Why me?? I walk past them and shoot them all dirty looks. Even Mikey. I walk into the kitchen and grab an apple. I sit there and stare at my hands. I peek back into the living room their all to engrossed in the video game. I walk out the back door and into the woods. I walk deep into the woods until I hear a twig snap. Not again. I look to see Dylan with like 15 other hot guys! I scan my surroundings how am I getting out of here. Before I make a move I feel arms wrap around me. I turn my head to see Dylan. Then I feel a cloth over my mouth. Not again! Fuckkk. I slowly slip away into the darkness.

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