*Where Is Your Mind*

Start from the beginning

I was completely stunned. I assumed it was from my friend Lettica, she gets a new number every two weeks. But nope, I opened a message to Giles clearly posing and smiling sexy af at the camera.  My entire body froze. It was better than I had imagined. He was gorgeous.  So how could he make me feel so small, and protected by him? He just step right into the flow of traffic and move to our next class, free and easy.

He felt like he covered my completely. But there was no way. My waist was twice as wide as his and my hips too. He picked out our seats he put me against the wall at the corner of the class in the back. I had one friend in this class and she came in smiling at me like the devil. She sat in front of me and handed me her phone.

Our instagram account was pulled up and a picture of me for not even an hour ago was up with the caption Wifey realizing I'm a part of her bubble now."  There were over three hundread likes. She giggled.

"Scroll down and look at Giles comment for his personal acct." It was the fifth comment down. She told me how disrespectful it was to look at my phone while we were talking. I was posting this but she didn't care. She demanded my full attention. Man that's something new.

I looked over at him. He was talking with his friends. Underneath his comment where several more. Mostly positive.  I had expected to see Melanie blast  her ugly opinion on here. But she wasn't on any of the posts.  He looked back at me.

"Why isn't Melanie commenting?  I gave back Alison's phone and raised an eyebrow at him.

    "I blocked her and all her little friends. This is supposed to be a good and positive thing." We adjusted our attention to someone who clearly was not Mr. Kicks. He was older and seemed very disinterested in what was going on in this room.

    "Hello Class, Mr. Kicks and his wife welcomed a new baby over the summer. I will be your sub until he finishes paternity leave. I'm Mr. Burger." He had wheeled in the good ol' t.v with a death grip from a  bright orange strap. We were watching a movie! Not that movies about microorganisms where interesting but it wasn't boring lectures. Mr Burger popped in a movie and turned to us before starting it.  "When we are done watching the movie, I want an essay written about how the microorganism was born, spread, lived, reproduced and died. Was a vaccine and or cure created? Why or Why not. Where did it originate?"  He handed out a paper titled study guide.

    I was looking over the questions when I felt Giles lean toward me and tap on my shoulder. I turned to him to see what he wanted and his lips brushed mine. I pulled my head away, and furrowed my brow at him. He just smiled at me and showed me the picture.  It was a little blurry on my part, but did look cute.

    "Microbiology and chill." He took a picture of the title of Contagion. I had seen this movie a few times It was a good, but made you feel like you wanted to go live in the forest.  I started answering questions before the movie even started. "Wifey. I like it when you don't wear the hoodie."

    "OK. Random. I like it when you don't wear your hair in a ponytail." I turned my attention back to the paper. His hair tie spun around my pen. His beautiful black hair fell around his shoulders. It was silky and shiny. He took care of it. I took some of it between my fingers, it felt soft. Then it dawned on me. He wanted my hoodie.

    What shirt did I even have on underneath this? I pulled at the neck and looked down. It was my Deadpool t-shirt. It wasn't tight on me so, I gave the hoodie up. My friends had been trying all our high school career and Alison started at me as he shoved it in his backpack.  Then he pulled it back out. He folded it up in a square and laid  his head on it, on my desk.

    I don't remember him being like this with Melanie. She always seemed to be barking orders at him and he just did it. I always though the sex must be amazing. Or maybe he just like bitches. It wasn't my place to judge.  I had friends that liked dicks.

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