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Watching my wife go through labor was one of the most amazing things I've witnessed. She was so strong and handled everything like a champ. Little Jack entered the world screaming and crying before he landed against his mother's chest.

"Momma's right there." I cooed at him as I ran my fingers through his hair. I looked over at the twins that had their arms wrapped around their mother's legs.

"Is he getting hungry?" Jade asked as Jackson turned his little head against my chest.

"Come on, little man, let's go see momma. Alex, move over and make room for your dad." I handed Jackson over to his mom while Alex moved. I climbed on the bed, wrapping my arm around Jade's shoulder bringing her against my chest. Jackson latched on and sighed as he started getting his food.

"You okay?" Jade asked as she rested her forehead against my chin.

"I've never been better. I have our three beautiful kids and my wife. I'm right where I'm supposed to be." I smiled, kissing her forehead.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

"Momma, when are we going home?" Addie asked, turning her head to look up at us.

"Soon, baby, the doctor has to make sure Jack is ready to go home. Grandma is coming to get you guys. Then we will meet you at home." Our parents have been trying to give us as much space as they can. Claire and Courtney have been fighting to be here but also respecting our time.

"Grandma," Alex yelled as both Courtney and Claire came walking through the door.

"Hey, guys. Did you guys meet little Jack?"

"Me hold him," Addie said proudly as she turned and looked at Jack. Jack pulled away long enough to curl up in Claire's arms. Jade and I agreed that all three of our moms deserved their own special moment with Jackson as they weren't there for the twins.


"Your dad would have loved this. He would be so proud of you." Mom smiled as she cooed at Jackson.

"I know he's looking down at us, but I still wish he was here to see this." I sighed, running my hand over the back of his head.

"Me too."

"You got him. I'm going to get something to eat."

"Of course, we're okay." I nodded, going to check on Jade, who was taking a nap in our room. The kids were out back playing with Courtney. I made a quick sandwich before going outside.

"Hey." Courtney smiled as I sat down next to her.

"They okay?"

"Perfect as always. How are you doing, dad?" I smiled, thinking about everything that has happened in the last couple of days. First, I watched my wonderful wife bring our baby into the world. Then, she transformed into a whole new mother.

"A little sleep deprived but on cloud nine. Thank you for all your help."

"Of course. You know it still feels like a dream that I'm here with you."

"Seeing him for the first time and holding him made me think of you. I can't imagine what it was like to go through that, and I don't think I could ever thank you. You brought me into this world, and without you, I wouldn't have my world. I felt empty for a long time, but the moment I came here, I felt whole."

"I would do it all again." I nodded, looking over watching Alex and Addie play on their swing set.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Have you heard anything about my birth father?" She nodded as she reached over, taking my hand.

"I have, and he's out of prison. So, as far as I know, he's not going to try and contact you. So I won't be upset if that's what you decide to do." I shook my head, squeezing her hand.

"I've thought a lot about it recently. If he wants to reach out, I'll cross that bridge if it comes, but I'm not interested." Jackson's crying made me turn my head and look at my mom. I reached for Jackson, pulling him into my arms.

"Hey, buddy. Are you looking for momma or daddy, huh?" I cooed, trying to calm him down. I checked his diaper only to find out he was hungry.

"Let's go curl up with mom for a minute." I got up walking into the house. Then, quietly as I could, I walked into our room. Jade rolled over at the sound of Jack's crying.

"I'm sorry."

"Come here, baby." she smiled, pulling Jack into her arms getting him settled.

"Soon, I'll be able to feed him so you can sleep."

"You okay? You look a little tired."

"Yeah, I'll be okay. Mom and Courtney got the kids outside." She nodded as I laid down next to them.

"You think we can start trying for another one?"

"Your daddy is crazy." She cooed down at Jackson before giving me a crazy look.

We cuddled for a little while longer before mom came in, stealing Jackson away. Jade moved over, curling up in my arms.

"Had a talk with Courtney about my biological dad. He's been on my mind a lot since Jack was born."

"Are you going to reach out?"

"No, he's had all my life to send me letters or send them to Courtney."

"Maybe he thinks doing the right thing. But it was a terribly messed up thing, and maybe he's scared. So, maybe write a letter to him telling him you are okay. Send it if you want or don't, but that way, you get those feelings out."

"This is why I love you."

"Well, I love you too. As much as I love to stay here and cuddle, momma needs a shower and some food."

"You get in the shower, and I'll get you something to eat."

"Thank you." she leaned up, pressing her lips to mine. 

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