Chapter 15

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"Are you two ready to go to the pumpkin patch to get pumpkins and ride on the hayride?" They smiled at me, clapping their hands as we got them in the car.

The past couple of weeks have been intense. We moved out of my aunt's house and into our new apartment. It's close enough to Colby's school but also close to both our families. Thankfully we found a two-bedroom apartment for a reasonable price.

"Are we meeting Kacie and the kids there?" Colby asked, squeezing my hand. Getting to meet his extended family has been a blessing. His cousin Kacie has five kids, with her youngest the same age as the twins.

"Yea, and I think Jared is going too." He nodded with a smile on his face.

"I love you."

"I love you too." I leaned over, kissing his cheek as we pulled up.

"Can we get apples too?"

"Sure." I smiled, getting out of the car. Addie smiled up at me as I opened up her door, unbuckling her. She reached up, wrapping her arms around my neck. 

"Hi, princess."

"There you guys are." Kacie came over carrying Emma. Jared was pulling the twins in the wagon, Zane and Finn behind them.

"Mommy, can we get pumpkins now?" Zane asked Kacie. 

"Yea, go help Colby got to get a wagon." Finn went over and followed Colby to get the wagon.

"How do you do it with five kids." She sighed with a smile on her face as she looks at her four boys. Little Emma wrapped up in her daddy's arms.

"First, my husband.  It's defiantly not easy, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. The good outweighs the bad. When it becomes too much, I have a girl's day with Emma, or we let them stay with family."

"Lots of babysitters in the family, and that's for sure." 

"Yes, there is, and if you ever need a girl's day, let me know. We can take Emma and Addie out for a day."

"That would be perfect." I smiled as she gave me a side hug. 

"Are you going to the soccer game?" Tonight is the annual Underwood soccer night. The whole family gets together and has a big cookout. 

"Yeah, we're going. A little nervous that most of the family will be there."

"You have nothing to worry about. You are already a part of the family." She smiled, calming my nerves. 

"He's going to be just like Colby."

"Oh, I can see it now."

"Mom," Addie said as I set her down in the wagon.

"Alright." I smiled as we went over and started to look through all the pumpkins. Alex reached for me, I picked him up, and we went to look for a pumpkin. He pointed to a small one, and I smiled as I leaned down, and he grabbed it.

"You want this one?" He nodded. I picked it up, putting it in the wagon. I looked over and saw Zane and Finn trying to pick up a huge pumpkin.

"Dad." Jared turned and smiled at his boy. All the kids finally got all their pumpkins, and we went over to get apples.

"Come on, let's go get on the hayride." The kids were all jumping around as we walked over to the big wagon. I sat down next to Zane, with Addie in my arms.

"Are you guys having fun?"

"Yea." I kissed the back of Addie's head, and she just looked around at everything. Colby had Alex propped up so he could look around, and he loved it. All the kids were having a good time.

"Dad, when is the game?" Zane asked Jared.

"It starts at three."

"I can't wait."

"Zane, you ready to lose," Colby smirked.

"Yeah, right, you're old."

"Doesn't mean anything. I can take you."

"Not uh."

"Boys." I smiled at my man, leaning over kissing his cheek. The hayride was over, and we got the kids off. We got everything then loaded the kids up in the car.

"We should get going. The twins will need some lunch a nap before tonight."

"Us too. We will see you guys later." We said our goodbyes before leaving the pumpkin patch. 

I pulled Alex into my arms as we pulled up to the house. Both twins stayed awake the whole way home, meaning they will need a long nap. I set Alex in his high chair as Colby did the same with Addie.

"You get lunch started, and I'll grab everything else." I nodded, making the twins a peanut butter sandwich. Colby wrapped his arms around me as I handed the twins their lunch.

"Did you have fun?" I nodded, snuggling into his embrace.

"Yeah, and the kids had fun. It's nice to be able to talk to Kacie about everything. She said we could have a girl's days with Addie and Emma."

"I'm glad you two get along. Allows the twins to have someone to play with that's their age."

"Yeah, they both had fun." I smiled, whipping the peanut butter from Addie's mouth.

"Looks like it's nap time for you two." Colby scooped Alex into his arms as we brought the twins into their room. As soon as Addie's head hit the pillow, she was fast asleep. Colby and I quietly left their room before going back to ours.

"Are you sure you want to go tonight?" He asked as I wrapped myself around him.

"Yeah, it will be fun. It gives me a chance to watch you play again. I miss going to all your games." I snuggled up to his side as he kissed my forehead.

"I missed having you there. I can't wait till the twins are a little older, and I can teach them."

"Won't be long." I sighed, thinking about how big the twins are getting. I'll never forget the times where it was just us. As hard as it was, I got to bond with them in a more special bond. 

"How about you take a nap, too, momma?"

"I'm thinking about it." I smiled, leaning up pecking his lips.

Whole Again (book 4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora