Chapter 7

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"I still can't believe your here." Carson smiled, throwing the ball back to me. Mom and I moved back a week ago and settled into our new house.

"I know I still can't believe it. I dreamed of meeting you guys for years, and now we get to hang out whenever."

"Have you talked to Jade yet?"

"I tried, but it looks like she's ignoring me."

"Jace is back in town."

"A boyfriend?" I hissed, making him shrug.

"I don't know. They started talking a couple of weeks before school ended." I nodded, knowing something is off. If she were seeing someone, she would have told me. It's been almost three years since we've been together, but I still love and care about her.

"Guess I will have to try harder." He nodded as we walked over to our bags. I smiled, finding I had a message from Jade.

"Look at that she texted me."

"Must know you're talking about her." He smiled, looking back at his own phone. Jade sent me a message asking me to come over that she needs help with something.

"I have to go. Jade needs me."

"Okay, Whitney wants to meet up, so I will text you later." I nodded, grabbing my bag going over to my truck. If Jace was her boyfriend, she should be calling him but instead called me. Pulling up to her house, I quietly knocked on the door. A frantic Jade opened the door a second later.

"I'm sorry to call you, but I have no one else."

"Hey, it's okay, tell me what's going on?" She looked at me before looking into the living room. I reached for her hand, trying to give her comfort. Before I could get out another word, a baby started crying. Jade pulled away and ran into the living room. I watched as she pulled the crying toddler into her arms.

"It's okay, buddy. I just had to answer the door." I watched as he wrapped his little arms around her neck, hiding his little face.

"Is he okay?" Jade turned and looked at me, showing me she was worried.

"He's not feeling too good. His sister is upstairs asleep. I was trying to get him to sleep." I nodded, watching him rub his back.


"I can get her," I told Jade as she bit her lip.

"I better get her. She doesn't take well to strangers. Can you hold him for a minute?" I nodded, reaching for the little guy.

"It's okay. I got you, buddy." He curled up against my neck before I got the chance to see his face. I rubbed his back like Jade did hope he will fall back asleep. Jade walked back into the living room with a little girl about the same size as him.

"Her fever finally dropped but still waiting on his."

"Anything I can do."

"You're doing it. He needs to sleep, and he seems okay with you." I nodded, sitting down on the couch next to them.

"Should we call their parents?"

"I did." She whispered, kissing the back of her head.

"And what did they say?"

"That he would help," I repeated the words she said before getting a better look at the boy in my arms.


"I'm their mother."

"And I'm their father," I whispered, finally seeing the little boy's face. I brushed the hair out of his eyes, kissing his forehead. He looked like a younger version of Callum. He opened his eyes, looking me over before falling back to sleep.

"Daddy's got you, bud."

"His name is Alex, and this is Addie." I turned to look at my daughter curled up against Jade.

"Hi, princess." I smiled, making her turn her head towards Jade's chest.

"We should talk."

"After we get them settled and asleep." She nodded, moving closer, resting her head against my shoulder. Addie touched my shoulder, bringing in a touch of calmness.

After a couple of hours cleaning up puke and everything else, the twins were asleep in their room. I followed Jade into her room, where she was pulling out clean clothes. I walked over, pulling her into my arms making her sigh.

"Thank you for everything. I could handle the one but not both of them."

"I know you have your family, but I want to be here for all this."

"Colby." She shook her head, attempting to pull away from me.

"Let's talk about this."

"I need a shower and food and sleep."

"Okay, then what are we waiting for."

"I'm not taking a shower with you."

"Fine, let me get you some food, and you take a shower." She nodded as I let her go. Before I went downstairs, I checked on the twins finding them still asleep. I walked over, finding them curled up to each other.

"I know I haven't been around, but I promise from now on I will always be there. I don't want to keep bothering you two, so know daddy loves you." I whispered, trying not to wake them.

I made Jade a quick sandwich before heading back up to her room. Jade was out of the shower and sitting on her bed.

"Thank you." She smiled, taking the sandwich from me. I sat down next to her, trying to figure out where to start.

"Do you need anything else?"

"No, I'm good for now. If you want to go, it's okay."

"Jade, I'm not going anywhere. You get some sleep, and I will go watch them."


"Not now." She nodded, setting the plate down before curling up in her blankets.

"If you need me, wake me up. There are pictures in the bin if you want to look at them." I nodded, tucking her in. She closed her eyes as I went over to the bin, taking it back into the twins' room. Addie rolled over, looking at me curiously.

"Hi, sweet girl," I whispered. She reached up her little arms to me. Quickly I got up, pulling her into my arms. I sat down in the rocking chair as she made herself comfortable.

"I got you, baby girl." I kissed her little forehead rocking her back to sleep. She watched me for a minute before falling back to sleep.

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