ocean skies

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( Backing up to the last chapter I wrote over a year ago, Let's just pretend that it wasn't Georgia and it was some other cold state , because this chapter is going to be about the ocean again and I want it to be warm. So let's say they were up in Alaska and now we are over in  New Jersey! Old Paige doesn't like to brain sometimes , so this is just until I go back and fix those details! thanks.)

Chapter.17||Ocean skies

I stared out the window, the ocean skies in the distance, I wasn't scared of the water anymore , Josh has taught me how to swim in a matter of a week, postponing the next blurry face tour for about a week. It was apparent that Josh and I had an obvious connection. Both admitted to having dreams about each other. But nothing changed, we actually grew apart slightly after I got out of the hospital for almost getting hypothermia. Not wanting to move to fast or make the wrong move, we both figured out ourselves that it probably wasn't a good idea.

Well I feel like he figured that out, but I don't know how he's feeling. I can't read him like I used to, being able to tell when is anxiety was bad or if he was worried. We haven't had a show since our little break, we still had two more days before we had to head out to lord knows where for our next concert. I was just the photographer. 

I looked down at my phone , as it's now noon, finally pulling to a stop in the parking lot for the beach. I've been to many pools, a river now. But the ocean was still a mystery to me, and honestly still just as terrifying as before. A hand gently grasped my shoulder, looking over I met eyes with Jenna. "We won't go near the water until you're ready." She smiled warmly at me.

I nodded and got up out of my seat, taking off my black vans, I threw them back in the car. I also pulled my hoodie over my head, now tying it around my waist so I wouldn't die from the heat. I wore high rise black shorts  and a yellow crop top. Wandering toward the hot sand, a blanket and water in my hand . My long blonde waves were down, reaching the lowest part of my back as the ocean breeze circled through it.

Josh and Tyler had already gone and jumped in the water , now relaxing as the waves rolled through them. I watched Josh from where I was , laying my blanket down close to the water but still in the dry sand. I set my water down and looked over at Jenna with a quirked brow. "I don't want to " I sighed.

" Oh calm down y/n, how is the scar creme I gave you working?" she asked wandering over to me. I was beginning to feel self conscious. I had only showed Josh my scar,(other than Jenna) and I regretted it ever since. As much as he made me feel like I had nothing to be ashamed about, I couldn't help it." Jenna maybe seeing this stupid scar was only a one time thing for him. I really don't think I should be in a bikini." I stated nervously.

Jenna just rolled her eyes at me before grabbing my crop top and lifting it slightly, looking at it. She looked at me a second later. " It's barely there! If you tan it's basically good as gone!" She smiled before motioning for me to change. I looked at her and grunted before I stripped off my shirt , and sliding out of my shorts as well , now being left in a black bikini. 

In my eyes it was still the same scar, now looking at it , the scar creme had made it fade a lot , it was now just a thin like going up from my upper hip to right under my right arm. I should honestly cover it with a tattoo , but it looked really good compared to how it used to look. I smiled and looked over at Jenna , I gave her a giant hug before humming a thank you to her. She smiled and rubbed my back before pulling out of the hug. 

I turned and looked back over to the ocean, How ever I quirked a brow as I saw shirtless Josh talking to a girl in a hot pink two piece. I looked over at Jenna and she just smirked at me. "What?" I asked. " Someones about to steal your man" she stated and didn't bother motioning , knowing fully well that I knew what was going on. " First off. He's not my man , second off , he's a big boy he can handle himself. " I groaned before I grabbed Jenna's hand and pulled her toward the water.

Photography || Josh Dun x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن