For me.

268 7 2

Word Count :


It's been five days since the award show , I don't know what to think , more people checking out my twitter , liking my photos , and constantly getting messages from people I knew in high school , asking me what I was doing , why I was taking photo's for a famous band why I was at an award show with a famous guy ? -Cough- Sorry , a famous hot guy , As much as Josh was a nice guy , his looks had him beat .

I sighed as I heard my phone go off again and again , the sound overwhelming me as I took hold of it , shutting it completely off . The boys wandered out of the tour bus to get Taco Bell , Jenna with them as well , really I didn't even want to get out of bed that day , my anxiety being high as it was from all the attention on social media , I'd gone from a couple thousand followers from my home town , easily to 12 thousand in a day , I knew going to the award show with josh was bad , He was a complete sweet heart and his gorgeous face and amazing ton- wait where am I going with this ?

The point is he's that great , and he just made my days better , he makes every day better , making girl and guys across the world smile and stay alive , it was a blessing to even be graced with being Tyler Josephs and Joshua Dun's photographers . I got out of my bunk , wandering over to the table in the lounge area , I pulled out my laptop , as fun as editing photo's was , I wanted to do else .

Opening up the google chrome browser , I opened up YouTube , grabbing my sound canceling head phones , placing them over my ears , I plugged them into my laptop , slowly clicked on the search bar . ' twenty one pilots ' I searched it quick , not hearing anything around me thanks to the headphones , I wore them quite a lot , in concert more than others , it's not that I didn't like the type of music they made , I hadn't actually heard any of the music they played , only a little during sound check . After listening to many of their songs , starting at Blurryface , then making my way to Vessel next. As the songs played , I listened intently on the lyrics , also looking at the many photo's the internet had to offer of the boys.

How ever when it came down to the last song on Vessel , I just stared off into space , the words sticking in my head each time he sang . Truce. it was like a scene you'd see of a drama filled show , the depression flooding in as I began sobbing slightly , leaning over the table as the music continued . ' Stay alive , stay alive , for me. ' The words ran through my head , my hands trembling as I wiped the tears from my face . How ever , as the song ended , someone came on the bus , It was Josh . Seeing him in the corner of my eye , I instantly slammed my laptop closed , taking off my headphones I ran to the back of the bus .

" Y/n! Wait ! What's Wrong?!" He was close on my trail as I instantly darted to the bathroom , slamming the door I locked it . " Y/n ! Y/n ! Please talk to me , What's going on ?" He asked, his voice filled with worry . I looked around the small room , as if looking for a place to escape . I hated this, I hated being in this small room , locked up , hiding . This was merely a exact representation of what it was like for me growing up , sitting on the floor of a closet , curled up in a ball crying , my dad pounding on the door , after I broke something on accident , this was where I'd end up , Hiding away .

No I didn't break anything this time , and Josh wasn't my father , Gosh , nothing like my father , Josh was so nice and so careful , he cared , he wasn't going to hurt me and I continued to hide from him like a hurt dog . I whimper slightly as I sit on the top of the toilet , wiping my tears away " Y/n .. Please I want to help you ." He carried off .

"N-No .. I want to be alone right now.." I say loud enough , knowing he'd hear. Silence . (Ironic I was listening to Car Radio when I typed that ) I heard a shuffling from outside the door . looking over to it , my brows creased together . What was he doing ? " Alright , I'll wait here until you want to talk about it . Then we can go get something to eat." He hummed ,hearing him shuffle a bit more .

It was silent once again , nothing could be heard except the sight noises of us shuffling around . I played with my fingers as I wandered over to the mirror , pushing my hair from my face , pushing it up into a messy bun as I instantly leaned over the sink , washing my face off , not liking the tackiness that the tears had left on my face . I dried my face off , looking at myself in the mirror . I hated my face . pulling out my make up , I simply filled in my eyebrows and applied mascara , not wanting to put anything else on , I felt broken. I sighed as I put my make up away again , sitting over by the door , my back against the counter . " Hey J-Josh ?" I ask , my voice shaky , still hiccuping from the small panic attack .

" Yeah ?" He asked softly , his voice was soft and gentle through the door . " I like what you and Tyler do. You help people a lot , you make people think there is a better reason to live then just existing . Before I met Jenna , Tyler , you . I was just existing . I was working a small coffee shop , getting paid minimum wage , Only enough to keep me going on my way until I got paid again . With out you guys I probably would've lost my mind by now , now knowing which day was which ." I chuckle slightly and shake my head, standing up , I pulled open the door . Josh fell back on the floor , taking away the object he was resting on . " Oh Josh I'm so sorry!" I curse as I leaned down over him , holding the back of his head ." Did you smack your head?" I asked.

How ever Josh just stared at me , his lips hung open slightly . I traced my fingers up to his face , my fingers rubbing against his scruff . " Are you alright?" I asked, my eyes staring down at his features , no longer panicking as my eyes met his deep brown ones . " Yeah , I'm alright." He nodded . I nodded back to him . " We sh-ah - probably get going before Tyler and Jenna come back here looking for us." He continued on . I smiled at him and nodded, covering my smile with my hand as I stood up . Josh frowned at the movement , standing up . He looked up to her face. She smirked at him before turning and walking out of the room .

" Hey .. um .. Please don't tell Jenna and Tyler about this.." I carried off , Pulling an over sized sweater over my head, over my t-shirt. " If you don't want me to I won't." He nodded and ran his hand through his hair . " Thank you ." I smiled up to warmly . He watched as instantly shot my hand to cover my smile ." Don't stare at me." I laughed as I shook my head .

" I tried to get a hold of you ." He pointed at my phone , seeing me utterly confused. Realization hit me. " Oh ! gosh , I'm so sorry , I had to turn it off , It kept going off like crazy .. everyone is freaking out over the photo's I posted and the- um award show." I nodded . Josh nodded . "No worries , I'll show you how to take care of that. " He smiled , biting his bottom lip . Stop that . You little shit , how can you be so cute. I snap out of my thoughts " Thanks Josh! " I smile before turning , heading to the exit .

" Hey Y/n?" He asked , causing me to turn around . " Yeah Josh ?" I asked my eyes landing on his chest as I didn't realize how close he was standing . " Know you can talk to me ." He stared at me. I nodded and looked up to his large brown eyes. " The same goes for you ." I mumble , into his shoulder as he pulled me into a tight hug ,turning red as I felt his warm arms wrap around my body , his face buried in my shoulder . I look over his shoulder, smiling as my attention was caught by his red locks , wrapping my arms back around his shoulders. " Thank you ." I whisper.

'Stay alive, stay alive , for me.'



Photography || Josh Dun x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora