Calloused Fingers

242 8 2

Word Count : 1529

Minnesota , We were now Minnesota , I miss home , I miss it a lot . The only perks of traveling around the states first , I got to see the place I was raised , I don't remember a lot of it , I was there until I was 6 everything after that was a blur . Portland Oregon . Huge city but on the outskirts , trees for for miles , The weather , in the summers , could run up 100 degrees , winters covered in snow , but in the fall and spring , it rained , it rained a lot , with the smell of petrichor staining the ground.

I sat on the couch of the tour bus , staring at the tv , biting on my bottom lip as I munched on Cheetos , the boys and Jenna had been getting ready for an award show and for some fancy dinner , I wasn't going , I'm just the photographer . I sigh as another episode of the walking dead began playing , not noticing ad they all snuck back on to the bus " Hey Y/n , What are you doing , the make up artist are here with your dress. " Jenna smiled and tried pulling me off the couch. But was quick to pull back with a groan." No , you guys look great , you should go ." I smile and pause my show . " No Y/n you gotta go!" Tyler groaned as him and Josh sat on either side of me .

I bit nervously on my lip , noticing Josh was wearing a tux , this is work y/n , stop. " I don't have a date ." I nodded in approval. Tyler smiled and looked to Josh , " Josh , now." He demanded . I was a bit confused as to what was happening . " Will you please by my date to the awards show ? " He asked , sucking on his bottom lip . I smile lightly , a light blush tracing my cheeks ." Alright fine , but just this time. " I sigh as I stood , pulling on my vans , staying in my black sweatpants and my fall out boy shirt . " Guide me to your leader . " I smirk as Jenna instantly grabbed my band and pulled me out of the bus and into a large building .

I huff as my head had begun to hurt , Jenna standing beside me as a hair artist was tugging at my hair , making waves that hung low .I look around the room , how ever my head was instantly turned back forward by the hair artist. Jeez , no need to be rude about it , A make up artist began beating my face at one point , applying red shadows all over my lids , Adding a red glitter then false lashes , mascara . After finishing up my The hair artist finished my hair as Jenna helped me into the changing room , stuffing a into my arms. Everything I had been putting on was red , I must've been dressing to match Josh . I sigh as I slide into the dress and the heels I was given.

I wandered out of the dressing room , my bangs braided out of my face , I put a large smile on my red lipstick covered lips , looking up to show Jenna my outfit , How ever , Jenna wasn't there . Josh was. " Oh hey Josh." I smiled as I wandered up to his side . " Where did Jenna and Tyler wander off to? " I asked How ever he just stared , I quirked a brow and patted his shoulder , it caused him to stir in his thoughts . " T-They went to make sure the limo went to the right address." He nodded. " You look really good ." He smiled , I blushed lightly and pulled him into a tight hug ." So do you ." I smirk before pulling him outside , finding Tyler and Jenna .

" Hey , are we ready to go ?" I asked , staring at the limo . Jenna smiled and nodded , they got in first , wondering inside close behind , I look around quietly , sitting at the back of the vehicle ,Josh sitting next to me , biting at his lip . I smile and take hold of his hands, keeping him close. " You alright?" I asked quietly , I knew about his anxiety , pretty much every one did , but I knew this boy was fearless when it came down to the right moment. " You look tense. " I mumble to him , Jenna and Tyler tapping away at their phones , taking pictures of themselves like children .

I role my eyes and look back to Josh , a smile on my pale complexion ." Yeah , I'm alright ." He nodded , smiling . I smiled back to him before I continued to play with his fingers ,not noticing I was doing so until he made a comment . " Do you like playing with my calloused fingers? " He asked , staring down at our hands . " I don't mind that their calloused. "I flashed him a smile , looking up to his deep brown eyes. This was wrong . So wrong , he was your boss , can you not be so into him , you've known him a month , stop . I looked down and away as the limo pulled to a stop , Josh stood from the limo , out holding his hand as I got out , I took it , but let go of it once I was out . " We shouldn't hold hands .. We'll give social media something to talk about.." I carries off and Jenna and Tyler got out behind us .

Josh hesitated before nodding , holding his arm out so we could intertwine our arms I smiled to him , liking how even though he was dressed in a dark suit , red tie matching my dress , his red hair stood out like fire . ( Yes his hair is still red in this story because I loved his red hair xD) "I think you look the best here . " I smirk to him , how ever as soon as the words left my mouth , I regretted it . That was flirting you stupid head! You're flirting with your boss! I turn red and shake my head. " From a friend perspective that is" I add a second later .

Josh quirked a brow at the last comment . " Oh we're friends ?" He asked, smirking . I slapped his arm. " Yes we are." I scoff while not being able to wipe the smile . " Gosh , you're a butt." I grunt as he leads me to the red carpet. " Uhm , where are we going ? " I asked , not sure where he was taking me . " To the award show?" He asked. " Okay, why don't we take a different entrance ? " I ask. " Sorry Y/n this is unfortunately the only way in unless you're security . "Tyler nodded , walking onto the red carpet with Jenna , I look down and sigh ." I'm not cut out for the red carpet , I'm supposed to behind the camera . all of this isn't that great." I hum. playing with my fingers.

Josh seemed confused as he grabbed my chin . " The make up ?" He asked , I just chuckled and shook my head. " No Josh , my face." I nodded , not a trace of sarcasm found in my voice. " I like your face , so hush , and tonight you're my date , so come with me. You're the prettiest girl I've seen ." He smiled as he pulled me out on to the carpet , his arm around my waist while mine settled on his lower back , showing the friendliness of our friendship ,not holding hands or hanging all over him. The night continued , Josh's words carrying out through my mind the whole night.

However after the night ended , we returned to the tour bus , taking my dress off before changing into favorite pair of sweatpants . I grumble as I peeled the false lashes from my eyes , soon after , taking a make up wipe , I began removing my makes up . my eyes slightly swollen from rubbing ,even tinted red thanks to the red eyeshadow . My face now being bare , I pulled on my my favorite Pink Floyd t-shirt . I strolled out of the tour bus bathroom , marching to the couch , I sat , I waited for everyone to get settled for bed . Josh came and sat next to me , taking a glance at me before looking back , his eyes staying , I looked to meet his gaze .

" What? " I asked quietly . " You look tired , and like you've cried a bunch. You still look adorable though. " He smiled . " I rolled my eyes , not minding his comment, taking it more of just a buddy compliment . " Sure." I play with my fingers. " Hey , Thanks for tagging along tonight, I'm glad you came along." He smiled , I smiled back to him slightly , nodding . " Not a problem . " I nodded to him , adjusting my hair that was tied into a high bun on the top of my head. " Goodnight Y/n." I look up to him , he gave off a tired yawn before standing and strolling to his bunk. I huff as I stood also , crawling up into my own bunk , I closed the curtains and stared out my window , we we're on the road , the driver would drive until we hit the text rest stop , I stared out at all of the moving cars , sighing lightly when we finally came to a stop . I slowly fell into another slumber , my dreams being graced with the same drummer as always.

Photography || Josh Dun x ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ