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Chapter.11 || Dibs.

Word count: 1468

I sat quietly, my cold fingers holding a mug of hot chocolate, my body trembled as we would hit the occasional pot hole or bump on the highway. The bus was silent. Josh was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone, while Tyler and Jenna sat across from me, cuddled up watching a movie on a tablet.

I look around quietly, my eyes landing on my sketch book in front of me, I liked to draw, paint. But there was no way I'd ever be able to capture art the same way I did with my photography. Most of the time I just drew pictures of the angles I'd like to get for pictures, or pictures I'd like to get in the future. But photography would always be my favorite thing; how I'm able to capture things right in front of me and memorize them forever. I mean you very well can do that with art, but we all have it our ways.

I stood up and walked over to sit next to Josh, on the way, putting my empty mug in the sink. Sitting on the couch, a large space between Josh and I, Not a normal space , ever since I remembered he'd done mouth to mouth on me, or I'd kissed his cheek, nothing has been the same, and I'm not able to gain my confidence back. Instead I just get nervous around him and avoid his gaze, look to my camera and act like I'm busy looking through photos or something.

But it's been two weeks since it happened and I know we can both tell that we need to talk about it. But just why him, why my boss? Why Joshua Dun? Probably the most innocent person on this earth, the purest. He's like baby Jesus. A punk baby Jesus?

On a different note, we are in Georgia, I've actually lived here for a month or two, with my ex, Landon. He 'loved' me so much that he thought he had to verbally harass me, every day for a year and a half just to get it burned into my head. But he didn't love me, and he knew it, I was just an inconvenience to him, so when enough was enough, I crossed the line and demanded he stopped harassing me or I would end our relationship. He took it in the worse way possible and grabbed me by the throat. Luckily our neighbor, a lovely old lady, called the police.

He went dashing down the street and I haven't seen him since. He wasn't caught, and I didn't even bother pressing charges, I just wanted it all to be over, I wanted the stress and the drama to be over, and after that, I went home, back to Oregon. Back to my shitty little town. But I was home.


I had been staring out the window, watching as we passed through the small cities of Georgia, on our way to Atlanta, I didn't pay attention to what was going on the bus, I was focused on what was going on outside my window, my anxiety raising in my chest as I saw plenty of the places Landon and I had visited once before. But it was never fun, well for me at least, getting high or drunk wasn't my thing, I was just the designated driver I guess.

"Y/n come on, we're here." I jumped as I felt the calloused fingers on my arm, gently rubbing me back to reality. "Woah, are you okay?" Josh asked quietly. Um, no Josh, you're still hot as fuck. "Yeah, um, yeah- Just really tired." I shrugged and stood up, walking to the back of the tour bus, grabbed my camera bag. "No, Y/n were at the hotel we'll be staying at for the next 3 nights. Did you not read the schedule?" Jenna asked as she smiled over at me, grabbing a few things only to stuff them into a suit case. "We have a schedule for where we stay?" I asked creasing my brows together, grabbing a few pieces of clothing and stuffing then into my own bag, along with my makeup and chargers and such.

"Okay, is there any way possible we can get three?" Tyler was pretty upset as he was on the phone, running his fingers through his hair trying to figure some mess out obviously. "Alright, fine two is fine, we'll check in at noon." He grumbled again. "Bye." He huffed, hanging up the phone only walk up to Jenna, hugging her. "So, looks like the hotel were booking at tonight is booked full, so we're going to have to divide off into rooms..." He carried off. "Chris said he tried, but to no success would they let him get anymore rooms. " He sighed as he looked between me and Jenna, then Josh as he entered the conversation, standing next to me. "Also, Y/n." Tyler looked me square in the eye. "I call dibs on sharing a room with Jenna." He smirked and wrapped his arms around Jenna tightly.

My mouth fell open slightly agape as I already processed that I'd be sharing a room with Josh. I rolled my eyes and Jenna winked at me, Tyler wiggling his eyebrows at me. I turned back around, continuing to pack my stuff into my bag. After we were all done getting our stuff ready for the next few days. We headed into the hotel.

As Tyler checked us in, I looked around the room quietly, feeling anxiety sitting on my shoulders like two small demons pulling at my emotions. I looked down to my fingers, playing with the ring I had on my middle finger of my left hand. "One bed, one bath." He handed the keycard to Jenna. "One bed...one bath..." He carried off quietly, handing the other keycards to Josh and me, a card for the each of us. "Luckily our rooms are right next to each other?" Tyler stated, more as a question rather than a statement.

I rolled my eyes and walked away. My anxiety through the roof as I walked over to the full elevator, not allowing anyone from my group to join me, as the elevator already being full. I sat quietly in the elevator , looking out the glass window I let out a large sigh, this only made everything worse, being smooshed into an elevator, surrounded by strangers, but I just needed to get my mind clear, to try and ease my anxiety of the fact that I was sharing a room with Josh Dun. Once I got to the right floor, I walked down to the end of the long hall and pushed open the door to room 477. We we're only on floor fourth floor out of 7. But the view was still gorgeous out the window, of all the buildings and the sun parting from the clouds.

I took my camera witch always seemed to be strapped to me, aiming it at the crystal clear window, I snapped many pictures, I played with the settings on my camera for a few minutes before I heard the door click open, jumping slightly, I had totally forgotten my surroundings, looking up to meet eyes with those gorgeous rich coffee brown eyes. I blushed and let my camera down to its original place around my neck.

"Hey," He carried off as he set our stuff down, seeing as I completely forgotten it. "Hey." I have him a small smile, looking away as if it was nothing even though it took me all my power. "Are you okay?" He asked quietly, walking up to me. Standing directly in front of me, I looked back to him. "Yeah? Oh, Oh, right, yeah I'm fine, I was just overwhelmed, and I wanted to get up here, to just, relax.. For a sec." I nodded to him. "And I actually got some really nice pictures-" I commented, turning to see it had started pouring outside, in the matter of a minute I had looked away. "- When it wasn't raining?" I chuckled lightly, letting a smile come out of me as I turned back to Josh, only to be gathered into a tight hug by him.

I turned a bright shade of red, hugging him back lightly I played with the ends of his red hair at the base of his neck. Only to immediately pull back as I heard a knock on the door. Pulling back to stare into those eyes once again. I bit on my lip and let go of him, turning away as I heard another knock, taking my camera, I aimed it back out the window, today was going to be crazy.

Photography || Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now