Bug Bite

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 I panted as I looked around the small stadium , trying to catch my breath from running around the stage so much. I huffed , leaning up as I watch , people slowly began to flood out of the stadium , some crying from such an experience , other smiling and laughing ,talking about what had happen at the concert. I couldn't help but raise my camera and take a few photo's of some of them , wanting to remember their smiling , or tear covered face , that was something that was irreplaceable.

I trailed back stage , looking over some of the photo's I'd taken , biting on my lip as I walked , luckily the the cable that held my camera to my body while I wasn't using it , pulled my camera to my side as I accidentally ran straight into someones bare chest . I groan as their chin hits the back of my head. I laughed lightly and looked up , bracing myself for someone to yell at me , how ever , Josh looked down at me with a warm smile , chuckling as he stared down at me , I blush lightly , biting on my lip ." Oh fuck! I'm sorry Josh. " I explained taking hold of his chin , raising it slightly as I looked over his bare chest .

My eyes scanned closely , my cold finger tips from the night air tracing over his chest , looking for a red mark . " Are you- " I froze I looked back up to Josh's face only to see his face completely red. I quirk a brow , not completely understanding why he'd transformed from josh dun to a literal strawberry. How ever feeling his breath fan over my face , I seemed to realize .. I squeak lightly before immediately pulling back. " Sorry! I though there was, um - a - bug bite on your chest?" My face was now matching his. Josh looked down , rubbing over his chest . " Yeah probably , there's a bunch of mosquitoes ." he chuckled. " Jenna and Tyler are already back at the bus. "I paused before nodding my head .

" Right , We should probably - go then ." I nodded to Josh , He smiled and nodded back following after me , strolling up beside me . I gently rubbed the back of my head where his chin head hit. I looked over to him and he seemed to be doing the same with his chin . " You have chin made of Iron ." I smirked over at him , he glanced back at me in confusion before laughing . " No wait , steel , cause you chin his connected to your jaw line ." Josh still seemed confused as to wear I was going with this .

I laughed and shrugged " Cause that jawline could cut a bitch." I smirked over at him before he began laughing . " Wow Y/n where'd you come up with that? " He asked , crossing his arms over his chest as the cold air hit him ,wandering out to the tour bus . " I hear'd one of your guy's fan's say it before the show stared." I laughed as I pulled open the door of the tour bus , he took hold of it as he followed me into the tour bus. " Yeah you have a pretty hard head." He commented back . I quirked a brow and stood at the top of the stairs , waiting for him.

" You know hard headed is another word for stupid Josh , you just called me stupid." He smirked at him. He jumped and shook his head. " Don't twist my words. " He laughed , I did as well , smirking as I entered the lounge area , I saw Jenna and Tyler kissing . " Gross." ( Who am I kidding they're so cute) Josh stuck out his tongue , his brows creasing together . " Go smooch in bed you weirdo's " I groan . Jenna sat up looking to Tyler . " Look at that she's already giving us permission to sleep together and have sex." Jenna smirked. I instantly jumped back into the conversation.

" Um excuse me , you will not be having sex on the bus , poor josh and I will be scarred for life!" I laugh . " I could care less if you two sleep next to each other , that just means be have a place to put all the shit were gonna gather while traveling around the world. " I hummed with a nod , taking my camera harness off , setting my camera down on table as I took out my laptop also . " Isn't it a little late to be doing that ?" Tyler asked as Jenna stood to head to the bunks , he stayed on the couch , watching the tv that hung on the wall of the tour bus.

" No course not , I just want to look through them . "I nodded . " Probably delete some one the bad ones and the doubles." I nodded , watching as Josh wandered into the back to get showered and changed . I went through my photo's quietly even after the tour bus began driving, it was now 12 am , I still sat at the table looking through the photo's on my my laptop , writing down the numbers of some on my favorite photo's I'd taken . How ever I stopped along a picture of Josh , I cam to a complete stop . I bit on my bottom lip as I looked over , scanning over each little detail of the picture .

I nervously popped my fingers as I looked back to my note pad , writing down the number of the image before looking back to it , my eyes scanning over his facial features as he stayed focused on the crowd ,his lips parted slightly as he was exhaling in the picture , his arms placed in mid air as he was about to hit on his drums with all of his aching muscles , his bright red hair peaking from under his hat and body pealed of his shirt , every muscle of his body moving as he hit the drums , his legs tapping to keep the rhythm .

" That's a cool picture." Jenna hummed , sitting next to me , causing me to jump out of my skin . " Jenna! What the - ugh!" I groan , push my hair from my face. " What'd I do ? " She asked taking a mouth fill of ice cream , her blond short locks tired up into a tight high bun . " Nothing , you just scared me ." I laughed How ever Jenna took a second look at the photo .

" Hey Tyler! Josh! Y/n got this really cool picture of josh come look!" She exclaimed as Josh an Tyler wandered into the room . Josh wondered up behind me and rested his elbows on the back of the seat , Tyler smile leaning over me. " That's a really good picture . Y/n " He smiled brightly , how ever , I didn't hear Josh say anything , so I guessed he hated it . " Thanks Ty . " I nodded. " How ever I think I have a few bett-" Josh interrupted as he leaned over , his body leaning against mine slightly , pointing at his face in the picture. " I look like an ape." He laughed and shook his head. " but it's a really good , clear photo , Nice job Y/n." I smiled at his words , feeling as I did good. ( Image above.)

I shut my laptop , letting out a yawn , I had already cleared my memory card as I put it into my camera as it charged , setting it down before I walked to get changed for bed . This was going to be fun. I thought as I was slowly dazed off to sleep . My dreams were completely black , before Josh appeared , we stood , just staring . " Stay low. "

Word count : 1,245

Photography || Josh Dun x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now