I found you

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Chapter 13 || I found you.

Word count: 2,088

I did my makeup in 20 minutes, going slow as I possibly could possibly could, but with all the anxiety pumping through me I did it  as quick as I would any other day. I stood there, starring at the door knob in front of me. I let a soft sigh fall out of my lips before I finally pulled the door open, walking out of the bathroom and over to my luggage. Digging through it, I looked over at Josh, he had passed out on the bed, on top of the blankets.

I was so concentrated on keeping my attention to myself, I didn't even notice he was sleeping. I took my stuff off my side of the bed. Setting it on the coffee table by the window. I crawled onto my side of the bed, looking over at him. I bit down on my bottom chapped lip. My eyes scanning over his soft features.

His face was always so kind, and lit up my day, making me realize the whole time I was in the dark, when I didn't even know I was that far gone. I didn't realize how close I got to his face, staring at his small freckles he had across his nose, barely noticeable, only ever if you were this close, his dark eyelashes and his light stubble on his jaw line and chin.

He shifted slightly, his head moving over toward me, giving me a much larger view of his whole face. But I only continued to stare. But as he moved, a piece of his red hair (rip josh's hair.) had fallen from its usual mess and down into the view of his face, right over his right eye. Distinctively I reached up and pushed his hair out of his face.

'What the hell. Why was his hair so soft, Why was he so warm. WHY IS HE SO PERFECT?' The thoughts flooded my mind, but when those rich deep brown eyes opened, staring straight back into mine, I froze, intoxicated by the color of them, and just by Josh in general.

However it seemed I wasn't the only one intoxicated, neither of us wanted to pull away from each other , Feeling his hand on my waist wiliest the other under my jaw, his warm fingers at the base of my neck. I leaned toward him, and he leaned toward me, and everything seemed to freeze, our eyes half lidded. But the second we heard the knock at room door, we yanked apart. I ran to the window, diving into a chair as I picked up my camera and made myself busy. Josh easily stood up and went to the door, opening it. "Y-yeah? W-what do you need?" He asked

"Uh, well Josh, We brought you guys food, like you asked us too?' He made his statement into more of a question, seeing Josh all flustered up. Jenna strolled into the room. "Yay! The foods here!" I smile as I moved from the chair over to the small counter top, helping Jenna get the food out for me and Josh.

"Oh right.." Josh carried off and played with his fingers, walking beside Tyler like a clingy puppy. "Thank you guys so much. " I smiled to Jenna, hugging her tightly to me, the adrenaline still pumping through my veins. My hands trembling as I pulled away, Jenna looked Down at me worriedly. "Are you okay?" She asked under her breath, worriedly, she took hold of my hands and pulled me into the small room next to the room Tyler and Josh were in.

"What was that? At taco bell.." She asked, rubbing my back seeing as my whole body began to tremble." Landon.." I carried off, looking down. "The one I told you about. He, well yeah you could say he was abusive." I shrugged, biting my lip I looked down. "A total ass wipe, he cheated, he drank, His dinner every night was a cigarette." At this rate I had been sobbing. 

"I didn't think he'd be there Jenna, I didn't think he'd be here, let alone alive, I figured he'd be dead by the 3rd week I left." I whispered, trembling awfully, luckily I hadn't put on to much make up, knowing that it wouldn't be the last time I cried that day. I leaned back on the couch where Jenna just pulled me into a strong hug.

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