Chapter Five

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*In the Doctor's Bedroom*

    Sophie wakes up in a bed in a room that is sparsely furnished. As she looks around to take in her surroundings. She sees miscellaneous bits and bobs of all types of machinery.

    She extricates herself from the bed and pads out into the corridor. She rubs her eyes and walk toward what she hopes is the kitchen, she's very hungry. When she reaches the doorway and peers inside.

    Rose is sitting at the table drinking some tea when she hears the sound of small feet padding around outside. She looks up from the table to see Sophie standing in the doorway, looking rather sad.

    "Hey, darlin', you want a cop of milk or somethin'?"

   Sophie nods and comes in, "Do you have any biscuits? I like biscuits."

    "Course, sweetheart." Rose smiles at the child who is sitting at the table. She grabs some milk from the fridge, before grabbing a glass from the cabinet. She moves over to the next cabinet and grabs a pack of Jammy Dodgers.

    "Here ya' are," she says setting the milk and cookies in front of the girl.

    "Where's the Doctor?" Sophie asks around the biscuits in her mouth, curious as to the whereabouts of the Time Lord.

    "He left the TARDIS about ten minutes ago."

    Just as she says this, the rowdy time-traveller bursts back into his gorgeous space vessel. He beelines for the kitchen, hoping to find both of the occupants in there. He enters the kitchen to find Rose and Sophie chatting and eating biscuits.

    "Oi, how many of those has she had?" He says, playing the roll of the protective parent.

    "...ten," Sophie mumbles around the biscuits in her mouth.

    "Swallow before you speak," he says taking the Jammy Dodgers and storing on a high shelf. Rose has been stifling laughter at the picture of the Doctor acting like a dad.

    "Alright, Soph, listen a friend of mine is willing to find you a good home. I know you don't want to go, but I can't keep you here, on the TARDIS. My life is far to dangerous. Maybe one day when you're older I'll come and pick you up, alright?"

    The child nods and jumps down from her chair. "Before we go, Doctor, can I change my clothes?"

    "Course you can, yeah. C'mon." The Time Lord holds his hand out to the girl. She grasps it tightly, as he leads her to the TARDIS wardrobe.

    "Here we are, the TARDIS wardrobe, anything you could need is in here." Sophie drag the Oncoming Dad...I mean Storm along behind her. She grabs a pair of leggings and a shirt and holds them up to the Doctor.

    "You're gonna help me, right?" The Last Time Lord turns a shade of pink.

    His voice rises a few octaves as he says, "Yeah."

    Once she's dressed the Time Lord picks her up and heads toward the exit.

    As the duo exit the sentient ship, they see the Brigadier smiling in a friendly manner. The Doctor places the child on the ground; crouching in front of her. "I'm gonna come and see you again, okay?"

    She smiles and wraps her arms around his neck and whispers in his ear, "I love you Doctor, and I can't wait to see you again. I'm gonna miss you."

    He places a kiss on her cheek and straightens his lanky body out. "Sophie, this is my good friend, Brigadier Alastair Gordon Lethbridge Stewart. You can call him the Brigadier, I always do. He'll take you to your new home. I'll see you again soon, I promise." He, once again, kisses her cheek, before rushing into his big, blue box.

    Sophie and the Brigadier watch as the box and her occupants dematerialize.

    "So, Miss McCoy, are you ready for your life to continue?" The child turns and looks up at the military man, while nodding solemnly.

    She's ushered through UNIT headquarters by a kind woman who takes her to an office. She is instructed to sit in a chair in front of a desk. On the opposite side sits a stoic, stern-faced woman. Her grey hair is pulled into a tight, no nonsense bun, and a perpetual frown graces her visage.

    "Hello, Miss McCoy," she begins in a thick Scottish brouge. "I'm Mrs. McLough. I'll be finding a care home for you to stay in. I just need some information for this file. You are five, yes?"

    Sophie nods, intimidated by this woman, but if the Brigadier trusts her, and the Doctor trusts the Brigadier, she'll trust this woman.

    "Both of your parents are deceased, yes?"

    Again Sophie nods, biting her lip, trying to keep the tears at bay.

    "I need your full name, date of birth, and then you will go and see our physician who will make sure there are no injuries or illnesses to be worried about."

    Through a warbly voice the child says, "My name is Sophia Jaclyn McCoy. My birthday is the 21st of January, 1985." She smiles proud to have remembered all of that.

    "Wonderful," Mrs. McLough says in a deadpan tone. "Come," she orders striding to the door. Sophie is quick to follow the stern woman.

    They head down the maze of hallways, weaving between soldiers. They arrive at a plain, white door. Mrs. McLough knocks swiftly twice, and the door opens.

    "Hello," a kind looking man with brown hair, clad in a lab coat says, ushering them in. "Mrs. McLough always a pleasure, what can I do for you?"

    "Yes, hello, Dr. Sullivan, I need you to perform a basic check on Miss. McCoy here. At the Brigadier's request."

    "Most certainly. If you could please leave my patient and myself be, we can get started." Mrs. McLough nods at the doctor and leaves through the open door, shutting it behind her.

     "Hello, Miss McCoy, oh, I don't like that very much. Why don't you tell me your first name?"

    "My name's Sophie." She likes this Doctor far more than she likes Mrs. McLough.

    "Well, then, Sophie you shall be. I'm Doctor Harry Sullivan, you can call me Harry if you like. I'll just perform a basic check, make sure everything is ship shape." He smiles at her before hoisting her on to the exam table.

Hi everyone,
    So Harry and the Brigadier are here, and things are taking off. Don't worry, the Doctor will be back. But the real question is, which Doctor?

The Orphan in the TARDISOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora