Chapter Twenty-One

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The Time Lord takes her back to her flat, and makes sure she's still alright. After confirming that she's fine, and was happy to be there for him, he leaves.

Sophie moves on with her life, not seeing the Time Lord for a while after that. She graduated from secondary school, and applied to a few Universities, getting accepted into a few. The day before school is scheduled to begin, the Doctor once again barged into her life.

She wakes up early in that morning, and, after getting ready for the day moves to the kitchen to get some tea, only to find the Time Lord sitting at the table, a tea cup in his hand. His chucks are up on her table, as he leans back in his chair. "Oh, hey Soph."

"Doc," she sighs, walking over to the kettle. "What can I do for you this time?"

"What, I can't just come to visit you?"

"No, and get your dirty shoes off my table," she says, turning around, setting her mug on the table.

Begrudgingly the Time Lord sets his shoes on the floor, his own cup resting on the table. He leans forward, resting his elbows on the table as well, interlocking his fingers. "How would you like to help me hunt a Zygon?"

"Sounds fun," she shrugs, sipping her tea. "I need to be back by tomorrow, but other than that, sounds like it could be a blast."

"Great," the Gallifreyan states, his eyebrows rising, "Allons-y then?"

The girl sighs, standing to her feet, "Allons-y, Doc."

He grins at her, grabbing her hand, and the tea cup. She holds onto her mug, as she follows him into his blue box.


The Doctor flips the final lever, the wheezing groaning of its landing echoing through the ship. "England, 1562," he declares, grabbing his coat from where he had flung it over one of the coral struts. She steps out of the doors behind him, finding the ship in a meadow by the river.

She takes a deep breath, looking around the area, "It's pretty beautiful."

The Time Lord sniffs, shoving his hands into his pockets, "Yeah, it is pretty beautiful, y'know, for earth."

"Oh, shut it, you clotpole."

He turns, smirking at her, "Not a chance."

*A few hours later*

About an hour into their trip, the Doctor had wandered off, leaving Sophie stranded in the meadow. About thirty minutes later, he had shown back up, Queen Elizabeth the first on his arm.

"Uh, Doc, care to introduce your friend?"

"Huh, oh, right. Elizabeth, this is my friend, Sophie, Soph, this is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth."

She immediately curtsies, smiling at the Queen, while shooting the Time Lord a questioning look. "I was going to take her on a tour of the TARDIS, feel free to continue to explore the meadow."

"Uh, okay." It's then that she notices the bright white horse he's holding the reigns of, walking it toward the TARDIS. "Hold on, where did you get a horse?"

"Don't worry about it. Do me favour would you? There's picnic basket over there, could you lay it out?"

"Sure..." she trails off, the Gallifreyan, and Queen, disappearing into the depths of the time/space machine.

She sets about setting up the picnic, wondering to herself if the Time Lord only brought her along to be his servant. "Lotta love for the person who was beside you for the whole planet destroying thing," she mutters.

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