Chapter Thirty-Six

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Jack and Sophie make their way down the staircase, Jack's arm comfortingly wrapped around her shoulder. The Doctor's head snaps to watch them descend the stairs. A silent question burns in the Time Lady's eyes, asking Sophie if she is okay. The woman nods her head, as the reach the main level.

Jack let's her go, walking over to survey the equipment the Gallifreyan has laid out in front of her. "This tech isn't exactly compatible." The captain picks up a piece of tech, "Sontaran," grabbing a second, he holds that up as well, "Raxacoricofallopatorian," he sets down the first two devices, picking up two more, "Trakenite, Venusian. How's this thing gonna work, Doc?"

The Brigadier approaches the table where the tech is splayed, his hands clasped behind his back. "This doesn't seem much different from what I expected. What do you plan to do, Doctor?"

She takes the Venusian and Trakenite tech from Jack's hands, "I'm going to cannibalise parts of this, combine it with parts of that, attach various other pieces of these devices together until we have a highly complex device to be able to decipher the ships 'black box'. I have just about everything I need, I just need a screen," the Doctor finishes, staring at Sophie.

"Oh, Doc, really?" Sophie asks, "Why can't you use one of theirs?" The Time Lady tips her head the other way, still staring at the woman, "Why is it always mine? I just got a new one. Do you really need it?" The Doctor doesn't stop staring at her. "Fine!" she grumbles, "Here!" she rolls her eyes, tossing the Doctor her cell phone.

The Gallifreyan beams, "Thanks, Jackie Lynn! I promise I'll give it back to you."

"In one piece?" The Doctor shrugs, pulling her sonic from her coat and turning back to the tech on the table. "Doctor, will my phone be in one piece?" When the Time Lady doesn't respond, Sophie just shakes her head, sighing deeply.

"Don't worry," Jack sighs, "I'll get you a new one."

"Thank you, Jack," she says, staring at the Doctor, "At least I know someone cares."

The Time Lady rolls her eyes, carefully dismantling the different devices in front of her. 


As the Doctor assembles her device, everyone finds themselves feeling bored and useless, as she doesn't let any of the others assist her, claiming they'll only get in her way, she kept Yaz at her side to be a go-fer and someone to chat with. Every few minutes she'd mumble something under her breath, hum, or curse in Gallifreyan. The humming just seemed to annoy Owen, who had eventually sought refuge in the morgue. The Brigadier went to assist UNIT in the removal of the ship debris. Gwen took the time to go home, see her boyfriend, and grab a shower. As the Doctor's tinkering continued, Ianto had offered to go and get some dinner. Ryan and Graham had offered to accompany the Welshman, and he had seemed thrilled at the prospect. At some point, Tosh had grabbed her laptop and retreated to another room in the Hub, seeking some solace and solitude.

Jack turns to Sophie, realising they're the only two left sitting around. He glances over at the Time Lady and her companion, "Do you wanna head up to my office? It's a bit quieter, there's no rambling Time Lady's up there."

Sophie shrugs, "It can't be any worse anyway, right?"

"I hope not," he says, offering her his arm. She takes it, a smile crossing her face. He takes her up the metal stairs, taking her into another grungily lit room. It is brighter than most of the Hub, a large desk taking up the centre of the room, with two large desk lamps sitting on opposite sides. "Have a seat wherever you like," the captain says, waving a hand around the room. "Make yourself at home." Cautiously, Sophie perches herself on the end of one of the leather chairs he has in his office. Jack flops down in the wheely chair behind the desk, spinning it into his desk. He glances at Sophie, seeing her awkwardly poised in the seat, "I said make yourself at home, Soph. The chair isn't going to attack you, relax, put your feet up. 'Fy nhŷ i yw eich tŷ chi'."

"What," she asks, sliding back into the seat.

"It's Welsh. Means my house is your house."

"Well, in that case." Sophie jumps to her feet, walking over to Jack's desk. She begins stacking papers, moving around knick-knacks, and picking up coffee and tea mugs.

Jack grabs her wrist as she moves to stack a pile of documents in a manilla folder, "What are you doing?"


"Why are you cleaning my desk?"

"I clean when I'm anxious, or worried, or feeling guilty. It helps me to focus on something that isn't personally affecting me. I'm sorry, I can stop if you want."

Jack holds up his hands, "No, no. You don't have to stop. If it helps you, go for it."

Tension in the woman's shoulder release as she continues to stack up different documents by who they're from. "Do you have any paperclips?" she asks, straightening a stack of papers. Jack glances up from the document he was reading over. He pulls open a drawer, dropping a small tin of clips on the desk. Sophie smiles thankfully at him, grabbing a handful. 

Hello, Sweeties

Really was not planning on uploading today. Bernard Cribbins has sadly passed on, and I am really not okay. He was so important to all of us Doctor Who fans, and honestly, I wasn't prepared for that. So, in honour of his legacy, and the impact he had on us all, I have to say, 'Thanks Granddad, you will be missed. Rest in Peace, King.'

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