Chapter Seventeen

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"Okay," Jack says, as Martha directs the UNIT troops, "What's with Benton's car? A bit conspicuous, don't you think?"

"Apparently it was the Doctor's, from when he worked for UNIT, back in the 70's."

Jack smirks, "Yeah, I can see it. This is the same guy who's wearing a bow tie."

"A bow tie? He changed didn't he. Regeneration. How did he seem?"

"Young. He's younger than before. And sad, pretty much the same as always."

"Well, I hope he'll come and say goodbye."

"He should, Soph's with him, and his TARDIS is just around the corner. Now, looks like we're stuck together with the last one," he adds, pointing to blinking light on the tracker.

"Dream team, eh?" she smiles.


"Y'know," the Doctor starts, leaning around a corner, "I've been meaning to ask, do you plan on returning my jacket?"

"I don't know. It's pretty cozy, and warm. And it smells very nice."

"It smells like me! Because it's mine!"

"I think you mean it's ours."

"Oi!" he protests. His sonic suddenly let's out a blaring claxon sounding noise.

"That's not good, is it?"

The Time Lord turns to give her an incredulous look, "No, of course that's not good. It means this Venuciuian is nearby."

"Yeah, I know, Doctor," she whimpers.

The Gallifreyan, upon hearing the fear in his friends voice, turns quickly. His eyes find her pressed to the wall, the nearly purple alien holding her there with a hand to her throat. He can see the fear, and pleading in her eyes, and his face turns stony.

"Normally I would try to negotiate with you," he almost growls at it, "but you're threatening my friend, and I don't take kindly to that."

To Sophie, it feels as though her neck is literally burning, the flesh sizzling lightly, but she dare not make a sound. "You're too late, Time Lord," the alien hisses.

"Let her go, if you do that, you can leave. But if you leave, make sure you run, and run far, because you don't want me for an enemy."

The alien hisses out a laugh, "You think you scare me. We've met before, and you didn't stop me then, what makes you think you stand a chance now?"

This time it's the Doctor who laughs a dark laugh, his glare to the alien deepening. "Don't test me. You really won't like the consequences. I will give you one more chance. Let my friend go, and leave this planet alone."

The alien pays the Time Lord no heed, squeezing tighter on Sophie's neck, causing her to gag, loudly. "You don't have the guts to stop me, Doctor. You're a coward, and a good man."

The Doctor snorts, "I'm the farthest thing from a good man, but I'll accept coward, at least now. And, you're right, I might be a coward, but my friend isn't."

Sophie's forehead crinkles, not knowing what the Time Lord means by that. A gunshot suddenly sounds through the room, and Sophie drops from the wall, straight down onto her knees, coughing. She can feel the blistering skin on her neck, as she turns her head to find who just saved her. At the other end of the corridor is a UNIT Brigadier, smoking pistol still in his hand.

The Doctor ignores the soldier, running to kneel beside his friend. "Lyn, hey, are you okay?" He lifts her head to look at him, and she once again wraps her arms around his waist, clinging to him for comfort. "Hey, it's okay," he soothes, gently running his hands over her hair, "Your okay, it's over, it's over."

The Time Lord starts to gently rock her, as tears slide from her eyes, soaking his shoulder. Benton approaches, giving the Doctor, and Sophie their alone time. He walks over to the alien on the ground, making sure it's dead. Turning around, he sees the Gallifreyan's eyes staring at him.

He nods politely to his old friend, and the Doctor nods solemnly back. Wanting to give the two some privacy, he marches off to check, and make sure there aren't any more of the Venuciuian's about.

Sophie sniffles, her head moving back from the Doctor's shoulder, and he smiles kindly at her. "What, you couldn't have done that earlier?"

"Oh, thank the Other you're okay, Lyn. I'm sorry this happened. Are you alright?"

"Why didn't you tell me their hands burned to the touch? And no, I'm not alright!" she finishes, tears once again pricking at the corners of her eyes.

"I didn't know. It's alright, Lyn, you'll be okay." He quickly grabs her backpack, flipping it open. Without hesitation, he grabs the first aid kit, once again flicking it open.

He grabs the burn cream, handing it to her. She smiles, opening it up, while he grabs gauze and other types of bandages. Just as he's finishing patching her up, Benton rounds the corner once again. "All clear, sir," he says. Turning to Sophie, he smiles in a friendly manner, "How are you, Sophie?"

"I'm alright, Benton, thanks to you."

The Doctor jumps to his feet, his smile wide. "Benton, it's been way too long. Hang on, I thought you retired."

"Considered it, sir. Domestic life just wasn't for me. Now, we should be going. The rest of UNIT should be corralling all the others." After a brief moment, he adds, "Sorry I had to kill him, Doctor. I made a judgement call."

"Right-o, Benton. Good call. Normally I'd be against it, but he tried to kill Sophie, so he got what he deserved. You'll want to send in a team to gather the remains, just in case they're still combustible."

"Already done, sir. Shall we be off?"

"You're a good man, John Benton," the Doctor replies, not even answering his question.

"Alright, if you say so, Doctor. Let's go."

The soldier leads the duo out, the Time Lord keeping his arm around Sophie, occasionally rubbing her shoulder for comfort. As they get out onto the the drive, the Doctor's face alight's at the sight of the car in the drive. "Bessie!" he cheers, clearly wanting to run toward her.

Sophie tries not to laugh, "Go ahead, Doc. I'll be okay."

The Gallifreyan quickly let's her go, practically sprinting to the old vehicle, rubbing his hands over the bright yellow finish. Benton, who steps nearer to her, worried she might collapse from shock, "Some things never change, eh?" he asks her.

"He might change his face, but underneath he's still insane- er I mean the same."

"No," Benton shakes his head, smiling at her, "I know you meant insane."

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