Chapter Three

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*At the Cyberconversion Units*

Jeremy McCoy looked upon the emotionless faces of his kidnappers. His wife was dead, he had watched as they shot her. Around him in a line leading toward, what he assumed, was their deaths, stood his friend and neighbors. Screams stream back through the no longer abandoned warehouse.

He's the next person in line for their psycho death machine. He's not ready to die, but he knows that his daughter, Sophie, is safe though, so he will face death with dignity.

He steps forward and looks at the machine. It's hanging from the ceiling, with knives and scissors and other such sinister items dangling from it. He steps forward and the metal men begin to strap him to the table beneath the machine.

His screams echo throughout the building. Then Jeremy McCoy is no more. He has been fully converted. He is a Cyberman!

*In the TARDIS*

The Doctor had tracked Sophie's father to a warehouse in London. He watched as the life signs slowly faded in to non-existence. He hung his head feeling the weight of another death upon his shoulders.

How was he going to tell Sophie that both her parents were dead? (He had previously concluded her mother was dead when the paternal DNA search only came upon one life sign.) He turns toward the girl and watches as she pulls a lever and her and Rose shake like they are on a crashing ship. She looks so happy. No five-year-old should have to deal with this. Especially not Sophie.

"Alright, back to the console room," he declares as he grabs Sophie and picks her up.

"Are we gonna go and save my Daddy?" A dark cloud crosses the Time Lords face. He sets the small child down in the corridor and crouches in front of her.

"I've got some bad news, Soph," the Time Lord starts, he rubs his hands through his hair, making it stand up at even odder angles. He looks greatly distraught. "Your dad, um, he- he, uh, he isn't registering life signs, neither is your mum." Sophie looks at him expectantly, not understanding why he means.

Rose is standing behind the girl, tears falling down her cheeks. She knows what it's like to lose a parent, but losing both, at the age of five, no less. The universe can be cruel.

"Sophie," the Doctor tries again, "Your parents are dead. I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry."

The child starts to cry repeatedly whacking the Time Lord in the chest, not believing what he is saying. Her parents, dead, there is no way. The Doctor just sits there patiently waiting until she broke down, collapsing in his arms, sobs wracking he petite frame.

"I know, go ahead, cry. You'll get through this. I know you will. You are so strong. You are the strongest person I've ever met." The Last Time Lord looks up at Rose. "Now, Sophie, honey, can you stay here with Miss Rose? I promise I'll be right back. I'm gonna go and make sure that those metal monsters who killed your parents won't hurt anyone else."

Sophie solemnly nods, she doesn't want those things to hurt anyone else. "Good girl," he say kissing her cheek and gesturing for Rose to accompany him to the corner of the room.

"Doctor, I don't want you goin' in alone and gettin' yourself hurt."

"I need someone to watch Sophie. I'm not bringing her onto a battlefield. Please, Rose, watch her. I'll be fine, I promise." Rose nods in agreement. The Time Lord pulls her into a hug, kissing her hair in the process. He nods towards Rose solemnly, and rushes over to Sophie.

"I'll be back, don't worry," he tells her. He pulls the small girl into his arms kissing her forehead. He straightens up and rushes toward the doors of his ship.

He proceeds to dash for the Cyberconverter. The Bringer of Darkness knows that if he crosses some wires in just the right way the converter will blow, taking all the Cybermen with it. He'll have just enough time to get back to the TARDIS.

Anyone who knows the Time Lord knows he won't do it without giving the metal men a choice. He always gives them a choice. He doesn't kill without just reason.

"Oi, metal head," he calls to the Cyberleader. The 'tin' man turns around to face the time traveller. "I'll give you one chance, deactivate yourselves, and set your ship to leave Earth."


"I'll blow up the warehouse, destroying all of you."


The Doctor splices the wires together and dashes toward his sentient ship. The deaths way upon the Time Lords shoulders. 'There was no choice,' he tells himself. He hangs his head, shaking it. 'There is always another choice!'

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