
Clarke. She was here. Lexa wished she could go to her, but she couldn't, for many reasons. Her punishment for leaving Clarke at the Mountain. Seeing her now, Lexa knew, Clarke was her weakness, but she was also her strength. Looking at the toll the Mountain took on her, Lexa knew she would never let Clarke shoulder a burden like that on her own again.

"Clarke." Lexa hadn't meant to let the name of the blonde slip past her lips, but still it had. None there seemed to have heard it, except Clarke. Lexa watched as she recognised her name on the brunette's lips. For once, Lexa couldn't read the emotions on Clarke's face. There were too many to keep track.

"Heda." Lexa should have noticed the others around them, known Clarke wasn't alone from the signal they received. Anya she was not surprised to see, it was the two others dressed as Trikru that threw the Commander.

"Anya, ha yu?" Lexa reached out in offer of a greeting, which Anya returned, gripping her forearm.

"Os. Hofli oso chich op? (Good. May we talk?)" From another Lexa may have refused from the lack of protocol and respect, but this was Anya. One of few who had known her for as long as she had.

"Sha. Dise. (Yes. This way.)" With a nod of her head, Lexa directed Anya away from the majority of their party. All would hear this, at least Trikru, but she had brought her most trusted scouts for exactly this reason. "Chit yu gaf? (What is it?)" Remembering to keep a stoic face, Lexa hoped that whatever Anya was about to say didn't involve Clarke.

Anya leaned in close, her voice lowered to a whisper. "The two with Clarke. They are not from here. They are not Skikru. Somehow, they landed here on accident. We need them gone, before Nia knows of their existence. Clarke believes, as do I, that Skikru could help with this."

Not letting her shock show, Lexa processed the information before realising something, "How do you suppose we get Skikru's help without tipping off Nia and her scouts?" Lexa had an idea, but she wanted Anya to say it.

The barest upturn of lips from Lexa had Anya's jaw clenched in annoyance. They both knew what was happening, for once, Anya would gladly walk into it if it meant getting to the relative safety of Arkadia sooner. "Raven Reyes can be trusted." Not an admission, but close.

"Ait." Moving from Anya, Lexa addressed the group as a whole. "Let's go to Arkadia." Everyone started moving, the two newcomers waiting to see the direction before following.

No one wished to break the silence that had fallen, especially so exposed as they were in the forest. It was much longer before they were reaching the tree line for Arkadia. "Okay, we have two options. One, we all walk to the gate and ask entry. Second, two of us gain entry through the gate and later sneak these two through the gates with the remaining one of us. Which is it going to be?"

Clarke answered the obvious question, "First, grounders can't be seen sneaking into Arkadia. No matter the reason. No one but us knows they aren't Trikru. Let's keep it that way." Lexa agreed completely.

With a nod to one of the scouts, they appeared with her shoulder guard, identifying her as Heda, the Commander of the twelve clans. Quickly they were back in the formation they had held the walk there and entering Arkadia's line of sight.


Arkadia. So much had changed in the last three months. At least this time they weren't shot before exiting the tree line fully. The bullet wounds in her shoulder and side still ached every now and then. Had it not been for the first bullet hitting her, Anya would have died. The first bullet hit her in the side, the second, meant for Anya no doubt, hit her shoulder.

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