And kept knocking until the door opened and he hit Jimin's forehead.

"I would have said sorry for hitting you but you took too long to open the door", the youngest grinned and ran inside before the other boy could hit him.

"He's so annoying, how do you live with him, hyung", Jimin complained as he rubbed his forehead, "Damn him and damn his muscly hands."

"Hello Jimin-shi, and I apologise on sir's behalf", Seokjin smiled softly before gasping, "Oh it's a bit red now, you should massage some ice on it."

Jimin winced a bit before smiling.

"Hyung, you can call me Jimin. And can you massage it, pretty please?"

Seokjin giggled at his pout before nodding, "Of course I will."

Jimin smiled, though it turned into a smirk the moment Seokjin disappeared in his kitchen.

"Let's make this brat jealous", he chuckled to himself before going in his room, where the two very busy in a rock paper scissor battle.

"Kids", he shook his head, wincing when it caused him pain.

"Aww, did I hit little Jiminie too hardly? Sowwyyyyy."

The moment he did aegyo on the last word, Seokjin entered with a tray. The hybrid smiled, amused.

"Don't be mean", he scolded a blushing Jungkook before adding smugly, "And your aegyo is really good."

"Our Jungkookie is the cutest", Taehyung cupped his face causing the younger to glare at him.

"Hey, what's that?" Taehyung asked, pointing at the tray.

"Jimin's forehead is turning red, so he asked me to massage it with ice", Seokjin explained as he a few cubes on a cotton cloth.

"Hyung, you're so sweet to me", Jimin commented in a saccharine voice, though his eyes were mocking a pouty Jungkook.

"It's no problem Jimin, I'm more than happy to help", Seokjin chuckled and put the ice on younger's bruise. Jimin hissed before the temperature settled.

"Hyung you're the best", he complimented again, loving how pissed Jungkook looked.

Serves him right for teasing me.

"Well, while Jimin is getting his... treatment... Let's start our studying", Taehyung signed as he picked up his biology book. He looked up when the younger stood rooted at his place, watching his hyungs with something akin to envy in his eyes.

"Hey bunny, come on let's study. Stop looking so jealous."

Jungkook's eyes widened and he mouthed a curse to Taehyung.

"Why would our Kookie be jealous?" Jimin asked in a fake confused voice.

Seokjin frowned too, turning to his sir, "Yeah, why are you jealous?"

"Why should I study if he gets to just sit there?" He made up a lie and whined.

"He's in pain and getting some relief. Not to mention that you're responsible for this", Seokjin chuckled at his attics.

"True. Now sit there and feel envious of me", Jimin winked at him, shifting a bit closer to Seokjin.

The youngest pouted but sat down nonetheless, feeling betrayed.

"Don't look like a kicked puppy and be happy", Taehyung laughed at his state, ducking to dodge a pillow to his face.

"It's easy for you to be happy, not all of us get to go on a Europe trip for our birthdays", he made a face and picked up his book too.

"Your birthday is soon, Taehyung?" Seokjin asked, curious. Jimin was practically cuddling him now but the younger had silently asked his permission so he didn't feel uncomfortable. It actually felt nice, the human clinging like a tiny kitty.

"Yeah, 30th December", he grinned, showing off his cute box smile. Seokjin cannot help but return the sentiment with a smile of his own.

His cheeks look so fluffy when he smiles, Jimin thought as he looked at Seokjin.

"You know, hyung's birthday is on 4th", Jungkook smirked, feeling special that only he knew that.

"It's in 3 weeks! Hyung we should plan something!" Taehyung bounced at his place, excited to celebrate, "Maybe we can go shopping? Or to some spa? Or maybe a road trip? There's so much to do, hyung!"

Seokjin smiled but it was strained and Jungkook remembered something to his utmost horror.

"I don't celebrate my birthday."



"Let's study!" He shouted, too loud and abrupt, but he didn't know what else to do, "We're here to study so let's study, okay?"

Taehyung and Jimin were confused at his action but chose to drop the conversation.

It was quiet for a while before Jimin was done and the three shifted to the bed.

"I'll prepare some snacks."

They looked up at the words but Jimin didn't feel good to have his guest make him something.

He voiced the same only to receive a warm, brotherly smile back, "It's okay, you're like the little kittens I used to tutor. It's no problem for me, really."

The two soulmates smiled but when Seokjin's eyes wandered to Jungkook, the boy was picking at his nails.

"Kook, would you like some tea?" He asked, hoping to get the message across.

The boy smiled, his shoulders sagging with relief as he heard the pet name.

"Only if you're drinking too."

Now how cute was this UwU

Don't worry, it's not going to remain this cute :)

Follow and vote if you liked this chapter and take care of yourself, the weather has been quiet bad at my place recently, I hope you guys are okay ❤️


Exchange for Love (Jinkook)| By DewWhere stories live. Discover now