The Chain That Free Him

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    One night, as Yunlan was sleeping he dream his in a big castle. The one that brought him there is Shen Wei.

   "Odd? Why his in different  clothes? Wait? Why am I tied up. "Xiao Wei? Whats  going on?" Shen Wei  smirk. "So my prince is awake? It doesn't  matter your here with me! Forever!" As he kiss him passionately. "What are you talking about? Where always been together?" As he look puzzle on him.

    "Your father is against us! I'm sorry Yunlan if I got rid of him." As he took off the knot of Yunlan's  robe. "My father? Wait?! I never introduce you to  my father? Do you know him?" He ask. But as Shen Wei  take off his robe and kiss him.

    He was brought to another scenery. Shen Wei  was sitting with someone who looks like him but with silver long hair. Yunlan wanted to ask whose with Shen Wei.  "Play a music for me! My love!" He command. Yunlan was shock he was sited at the front of an instrument that he did'nt  know what.

    "Okay?" As he played. That time Shen Wei  is drinking with Yezun. As the guzheng instrument is played. Shen Wei spit his drinks to Yezun's face. For Yunlan played the instrument off key. "Love! What's  wrong with you?! You didn't play like that badly?" Said Shen Wei,  while Yezun wipe his face with his clothes.

    "Gege! I think your beloved still angry with you?!" As he chuckled. Yunlan laugh and apologize  a little. As another scene  came, he just heard himself said. "I didn't  love you Shen Wei!" And pushed  him. "Xiao Wei! What have I done?!" Yunlan hurriedly  get a rope to get Shen Wei  but it's  too late. "No!!! My Xiao Wei!!!!" He shout.

    Yunlan bolted up in his dream, sweating. "'s  just a dream?!" As he remembered  Shen Wei  is on a camping trip with his student. While he took his cellphone and call Shen Wei.

    A gentle voice took the call, for Yunlan it's  the most sexy voice he have ever heard, his Xiao Wei.  "Hello! There beautiful? I miss you!" Said Yunlan. "Xiao Lan? What's  the matter? It's  in the middle of the night?" As Shen Wei  yawn. "I just miss you! And I want to hold you naked and make love to you over and over!" As Yunlan wyn.

    Shen Wei  pop his eyes off and blushes furiously. "Xiao Lan! Stop it! You know I'm with my students! Stop thinking such naughty thoughts!" But inside Shen Wei's mind he also miss his naughty lover and can't  wait to have in his arms as well. As his voice got gentle again. "Yunlan, you need your sleep. Tomorrow  I'll try my best to come home early. Is that  alright?"
    In the other end, Yunlan pout. "But I want you now! I had a dream! A bad one! That I lost you! It scared me!" Shen Wei  is happy  internally,  his man love him so much it make him wanna fly high.  But still he can't  go back quickly. "Xiao Lan! Please  go back to sleep. I promise I  would come back quickly." As he gave him a flying good bye kiss and hang his cellphone.

    "This no good I can't  sleep!" Yunlan shout to himself. Next day, " Here!" As Da quing  gave him a paper. "What's this?" Yunlan  ask. "A talisman to make you sleep! I can see your eye bags hanging on you!" As Da quing  laugh.  
"Chief Sang won't like if your sleepy while  were at the meeting?" Yunlan suddenly  pout.

    "I tell you that dream is quite real!" As Yunlan tell Da quing  everything he see. Da quing  got worried, "Why does his memories is coming back? I didn't  see Yezun there?! But I know the Yunlan back there is a great musician! His story doesn't  fit? Whose gaving him that false dream?" But his thinking was cut as they were called for their is a hostage crisis.

    As they came to a bank. The man hostage a teller with a gun.  Telling her to give the money, because he needed it for the hospital bill of his child. But the other teller pushed  the red button underneath their table alerting the police.  Outside Yezun wait for Yunlan to come. "This will be easy! My gege isn't  here to save him! Only the fat cat!"

     When  Yunlan and the other police came, he calmly talk to the desperate man to give the gun and he will help him get the money he need for the hospital bill. It's been hours as they were talking just to convince  the man.

    As the man about to give to Yunlan the gun. And Yezun about to  put a spell on him. Suddenly  someone control the man.  It made Yezun surprised,  he still didn't  cast any spell on him. When Yunlan saw the man's eyes became  red and suddenly pointed the gun to him. Everyone scream, Yunlan quickly fought to get the gun from the man. The other police was about to help him. When suddenly a powerful gun shot they heard. That echo throughout the building. Yunlan suddenly fall and lost concious. As the man is apprehended by the police.

    "Yunlan!" Shout Da quing. As he went beside him, "Call an ambulance!" Shout Da quing.  While in Yunlan's  appartment, Shen Wei  came  back home to cook for his man. "Yunlan will be surprise! I'm gonna make his favorite food. A glass of water he accidentally  drop from the floor. It shattered  into many pieces. A bad omen Shen Wei felt. "Yunlan!"

    As he tried to  call him on the phone. But no answer came. He called  Da quing instead, he was shocked  hearing Yunlan been shot. He suddenly  felt a chain in his heart and dropped  his phone. "No!" As he tried to open the door but fell unconcious. But suddenly  as he open his eyes again it glow as he smirk.

    "I'm free again! Where's  my idiot didi?! Anyway my dear Yunlan is hurt! I want to see him suffer for what he did to me!" As he took his car key and drove his car toward  the hospital.

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