A Lovely Day To Die

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     When Yunlan open his apartment, he made Shen Wei  go first. Shen Wei little bit nervouse.

    As Yunlan close the  door. Shen Wei  suddenly  pulled Yunlan for a kiss that made Yunlan pop his eyes out. He never knew his shy Professor  will initiate the kiss. But that made him wrapped  his hands on Shen Wei 's neck. So Shen Wei  might not back down on what he did.

   While leading him in his room, Shen Wei  realizing what he did break the kiss. "Wait! Maybe this getting fast?" Yunlan arch his brow, "So, what?! I didn't  complain?" That made Shen Wei  continue the kiss as Yunlan lead him to  his bed, while taking off Shen Wei's clothes. Which is proving to be difficult because it has many bottons.

     But what surprise  Yunlan, Shen Wei  flipped  him up and Shen Wei is the one   tearing his clothes off and pulling his pants down, while his kissing and suddenly  bit his neck. That turned on Yunlan but still the damn shirt won't  be taken off. Shen  Wei laugh  a little  seeing what Yunlan been doing. "Remind me to buy you a botton less shirt!" Said Yunlan  while panting.

    Shen Wei  initiated to take off his polo shirt revealing smooth, fair, lean and athletic  body. "Wow! Do you do gym?" While caressing  Shen Wei's bare body. Making Shen Wei  growl a little as he pounce Yunlan suddenly.  Yunlan didn't  notice that  Shen Wei  also took off his pants and thrusting to him non stop. He want to scream to Shen Wei  to stop.

    But  Shen Wei  suddenly  shut  him up with  a kiss. As he hit the soft spot he moan onto that kiss. And wrapped  his legs at Shen Wei's hips. In a moment both of them scream each others name and spilled their seeds.

    As Shen Wei  removed  himself from Yunlan he clean himself up and Yunlan with a towel and rest beside his man.
"I love you! Xiao Wei!" Yunlan suddenly  said. Making Shen Wei blushed and smile to him. As he snuggle to him. "Your my one and only. I love you Yunlan!" As he kiss him again on his lips and sleep.

    Shen Wei  suddenly  dream, he saw someone  who look like him but his dress is different  like ancient people, black robe and long hair. "Yunlan my love!" As he embrace a young man who seated on his bed. The young man never reacted  to him. "I know your still mad at me for taking you away from your village! But this is your new home! Our home!" But Yunlan swat his hand.

    "I want to go home! My father will be worried?!" He said. "But Yunlan you pledge  your love to me? Your mine now!" As he look at him. "Please Xiao Wei let me go home! Just once! I want to see my father!" Yunlan pleaded to him. "No!" As Shen Wei  dashed  outside the room.

     Another  scene, came Yunlan thrust his sword to Shen Wei, "Why? Why? Yunlan? I love you truly?!" But  he was pushed  by Yunlan to die, "I don't  love you Shen Wei!" Shen Wei  wanted to scream. But as he open his eyes and look beside him. Yunlan was sleeping  peacefully  in his arms.

    "Yunlan?" He suddenly  hold him tightly making Yunlan stir. "Xiao Wei? What's  wrong?" As he notice there's  tears on Shen Wei's lovely face. He wipe it with his fingers.  "Yunlan! You love me? Right?" Shen Wei  suddenly  ask. "Yes! A million  times!" As he bolt to sit and comfort Shen Wei. Shen Wei  relax to his arms. "Does that mean your moving in with me?" Yunlan suddenly  ask and a mischievous smile plaster on his face.

    Shen Wei  blushed  and nodded  in reply. Yunlan want to jump for joy but stop himself because Shen Wei looking at him strangely. He laugh and rubbed his head. "I'm just happy! Because your staying with me forever!" And embrace as well kiss his head. "Forever!" As Shen Wei  laid his head on Yunlan's  shoulder. "Your my home now, Xiao Lan! Don't  ever leave me!" Yunlan chuckle,  "Why would I leave a beautiful angel like you?!"

     They didn't  notice a fat cat was watching them from a tree branch, "Phew! I thought  that magic succeeded?!" At another tree, Yezun was enrage, "Gege! Should have leave his side! That dream was perfect! Why his still with him?!" As he turned into a crow and fly away.

     The next day, while Yunlan was hurriedly walking at the street. Suddenly a bus lost his break. Yunlan was walking at a pedestrian lane when his shoe lace loose. He didn't  see a bus was coming as he tying his shoe lace. Da quing  seeing what is happening  turned into a young man and shouted to Yunlan as he run toward him.
     Yunlan is too late to see it, luckily Shen Wei  came and pulled Yunlan toward him. The bus crash at a pole, "Xiao Wei?! You save me again! Your my angel!" As he hugged  him. At the near building Yezun stomped his foot, "Why does my gege save Yunlan again!" As he wyn.

     Shen Wei  suddenly glared at him. Making Yezun startled, "Did he saw me? No! That can't  be?!" As he look again. Shen Wei  was helping  Yunlan to walk back at the street.

    The next few days, as Yunlan was walking in a nearby alley, a flower pot almost dropped  on his head. Luckily a fat cat stopped  him on his track. Another day while  his trying to catch a criminal.  The criminal suddenly  felt he has a gun in his pocket and was about to shoot Yunlan. Da quing  shoved  the man and apprehend him. At another day, Yunlan was just walking with Shen Wei  at a mall. As Shen Wei  excuse himself to go to the toilet. The glass of display  were Yunlan is standing infront suddenly  break almost piercing  Yunlan with broken pieces of glass. Luckily Shen Wei  came and pulled him away. As he covered  Yunlan, so  the pieces of glasses  won't  hurt him.

    Yunlan thanks him and hurriedly  inspect if Shen Wei gotten hurt. "Xiao Lan! I'm fine!" But as Yunlan see a small wound on Shen Wei's  hand. He quickly wrapped  it with his handkerchief  and pulled him to a nearest clinic to tend his wound. While a nurse wiping Shen Wei  wound and gave him a band aid. "Your friend is really worried about you! He kept nagging to the doctor to treat your small wound." Shen Wei  blushed as he thank her. Yunlan suddenly carried him like a wounded person. "Xiao Lan! It's  only a scratch! Don't be over dramatic about it?" Yunlan shake his head.  "Your hurt! Why won't  I be worried!" At a distance, "Why my plan always fail! Now Gege is more closer to Yunlan!" As Yezun gritted  his teeth.

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