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Lights flashed all around his vision. It turned it in too many directions, dividing it so his focus was warped and muted. The sounds were worse. Xavier's heightened hearing was overwhelmed. Noise bounced around his head, too many marbles in the jar. 

The only thing that kept him from snapping, form ripping someones head off, was the feel of Reid's hand in his own as he dragged her through the crowded casino. They were a walking oxymoron. He slipped past these people undetected, he could bump into them and the humans wouldn't even bat an eye. He could have been invisible. But Reid? Not a chance. 

Everyone she past cast her a second glance or a third, even with her hair tucked up into that hood. Something radiated off her, calling attention to her like moths to a light bulb. 

It was irritating as shit. He would have yelled at her but he was ignoring her. Had been since the moment she directly asked him what he was. She had screamed at him, punched him in the arm and threatened to do worse. 

Xavier couldn't have answered her if he wanted to anyway. He had no fucking clue what he was. He only knew that he was valuable, the only one of their test dummies to live through those stupid experiments. He thought that with some of his memories sneaking back that maybe he could recall what they had called him, what the program that he was in was called. Something. Maybe with Reid and him pulling the bond apart, he was shit out of luck on that. 

Another woman stepped in front of Reid, trying to get a look at her face. Xavier shoved her away. He couldn't blame the human's and their fragile minds. Reid was something not of this world, something they had never seen before. She was all fire and sex. She was the goddess of passion, being dragged through this shit hole of a casino by a wraith. 

They hit the other side of the room at last, and Xavier pressed the up arrow on the shinning elevator. He pushed Reid ahead of him, inside the elevator before he slipped in behind her. His eyes tracked the room as the door closed, checking for abnormalities, incorrect room dimensions, figures standing too still or others moving too fast. His training, his programming, told him to do the same within the elevator. Check the corners, lights, buttons, floor pannels for anything. It was instinct, woven into his skin like its own code of DNA. 

Reid paid him no attention. 

The buttons for the floors were illuminated in a fancy blue light. Xavier scanned them, looking for the one he wanted and not finding it. Typical. 

Reid's eyes burned a hole in his back as he popped the panel around the buttons clean off. Neatly ran wires came into view, each button with its own set of fancy straps. Xavier's hand disappeared into the mess of wiring and after a few seconds, the wall being Reid's head moved with a little 'pop'.

Reid was looking at the little compartment that had opened behind her as Xavier put the panel of buttons back together. When he moved over to her his chest pressed into her back, drawing a short intake of breath into her lungs. He tried not to pay any attention to it as he slid back the little door on the compartment. 

Inside was a single button, the symbol on it illuminated with a red light. The symbol was an oval with two different sized circles vertically aligned within. Xavier had seen it more than once, not because he had been to visit Damien many times before but because it was what you saw when a glock was pointed in your face. 

Xavier slammed his fist into the button. 

The button retracted into the wall as the elevator began to move upwards. 

Xavier lingered behind Reid for a moment longer before he stepped away from her and turned to face the door. His gaze drifted to his wrist, where one of Reid's marks was the faintest he had seen it in days. 

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