49. Shorty A Freak

Start from the beginning

"Who says I can't finish it?"

I shook my head and smirked knowing good and damn well she could finished whatever she started. Shorty a freak.

I took the time to look her up and down. "You always wanna be me I swear."

She looked at my outfit then back at hers that was basically the exact same. She was wearing a pair of white skinny jeans, a yellow striped blouse and a pair of Air Force's on her feet. She wore the chain I bought for her and the diamond bracelet.

"I swear I had this on before you."

"How the hell would you know."

"Because I just know." She countered.

"But you don't know because you weren't here."

"But I just know how you operate. You probably changed last minute."

"Exactly probably, you don't know shit for sure."

"Aiden, I don't care. Don't be mad you always wanna match me."

"Tiana I most def-"

"You all are just like me and Amos when we were younger." A feminine voice cut us off and we both looked back to see my mom standing at the bottom of the stairs smiling at us. "Hello, Tiana."

Tiana smiled walking over to my mom. "Hi Mrs. Price. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. It's so good to see you again." My mom pulled Tiana into a hug. "I'm so glad you could have dinner with us."

"Me too." Tiana smiled.

Before we could be consumed with an awkward silence, Maria came into the foyer. "Tiana! Perfect timing. The food is ready."

Tiana smiled, "It smells delicious, Maria. Thank you."

"Of course."

As the three of us walked into the kitchen I was surprised to see my dad already there, setting a few plates around the table. When he heard footsteps he looked up and smiled.

"Tiana. It's great to see you," My dad gave her a side hug. "How are you?"

"I'm good. Ready to eat."

"Let's dive in."

I pulled out a chair for Tiana and let her sit before sitting next to her. My parents sat in the two chairs directly across from us and both smiled. As we started to load our plates with taco shells and shrimp and the rest of the sides Maria had prepared, I noticed she was setting water down on the table.

"Are you not eating with us?" My mom asked.

Maria shook her head, "Too much work to do. Maybe next time."

"I'll hold you to it." My mom smiled. When Maria walked away my mom sighed. "We need to give her a raise. That women works so hard."

My dad nodded while drizzling sauce on his tacos.

"So, Tiana. Do you know what college you'd like to attend?" My mom asked.

Tiana chewed her food before answering. "I'm not sure yet. I've got accepted to a few good choices but I'm waiting to hear back from NYU and a few other schools."

"What do you want to be?" My dad spoke.

"I love art. Maybe something in animations or a major in business could be interesting."

I smiled. I knew no better artist than Tiana. She didn't show it off a lot but she's amazing.

"That's wonderful. Do you have any pictures of your work? I'd love to see some." My mom smiled warmly.

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