Chapter Seventeen: Track

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Once we escaped from the prison we continued to travel, Rachel guiding us of sorts as she had a feeling where Dick would be. I stood against the car, my arms crossed over my chest as I was waiting for Kory and Rachel to get back. Luckily, the gas station was clean in and out. Hopefully the bathroom was the same...

My mind was else where at this moment in time, knowing Dick he would be on the run, staying low so the cops wouldn't find him. But at the same time, I felt scared for him, on how alone he is right now and if I could, I would help him out. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Kory and Rachel come from the side. Kory looked mad or anger about something, her hands in her jacket pocket.

"Hey, are you mad at something?" Rachel's voice rang out in the air, as they walk back over to the car.

"No, Rachel, I'm thrilled to be looking for a guy that doesn't need to be rescued," Kory spoke back with cockiness laced in her voice.

"Dick is in trouble. I saw it," Rachel spoke back, she went around the back of the car to the passenger side, as I said she could take shotgun this time.

"Ok. Then knock yourself out and dream up his exact location," Kory kind of snapped at her, but it was more of a command. I turn to face Kory, giving her a 'really' look.

"He's around here," Rachel began, making me take my gaze over to her, seeing that she was chewing on something. "I think," she spoke after a moment of silence, her eyes didn't leave Kory's. Kory opens her door, as Rachel opened her own. Kory leans down and does the seat for me, allowing me entry into the back seats. I gotten in quick as I didn't want to waste her time, and Kory slammed the seat back into place, my knees touched the leather seat. Kory took a sigh as she was now inside the car, before I see her grab her phone from her pocket and read the message that was on her screen.

"Fuck," she cursed quietly, but we had still heard her.

"What's wrong?" I ask softly, my head titling to the right see I could be in direct eyesight of Kory.

"Something's happened with Gar," Kory replied starting the car up and began to put it into drive and off we went.Once we were out of the gas station we were now back on the road...

"Hey, where are we going?" Rachel pipped up, taking her gaze over to Kory.

"Back to San Francisco," Kory replied back to Rachel, but she adjusts the rear-view mirror, but I see Rachel expression turn into surprise.

"What about Dick?" She protests.

"We're going back," Kory raised her voice slightly higher than usual.

"Ok, so that's it. You know, I don't get a say. You're just gonna pull the adult card?" Rachel shot back at Kory, making me raise my eyebrow in shock, she was getting a right teenager, but hey, teenagers are like that.

"Yeah, well, someone has to make some adult decisions around here. No more running after Dick Grayson-" Kory raised her voice once again, defending her point. "'Cause some intergalactic space witch had a bad dream," Kory went there, she literally went there, but all I could do was sit here quietly, like I was invisible...

"Oh, I'm the space witch?" Rachel raised her voice back at Kory.

"You're the space witch who has no idea where she's going or why," Kory shot back at her, maybe Rachel didn't know where she was going but she would always find her way to Dick.

"Easy, Truth-Claw. You didn't even know your own name a couple months ago,"

"Yeah, well, I know it now. Kory Anders," Kory took her gaze over to Rachel for a moment before they went back to the road.

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