Chapter Eight: Contained

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Rachel, Gar and I, did what we was told and protected the tower and Rose, though nothing bad was going to happen. About an hour later I heard from Kory that they saved Jason, but she also told me to prep the medical bed as they had an injured kid who caught Jason from falling. I didn't question it and set up the medical bed, just in time for Kory and Dick had entered with a young man, he wore a superman shirt, but we got him onto the bed and cut off his shirt, seeing two bullet wounds. Dawn had came to lend her hand and we didn't waste anytime. I placed pads onto his chest to monitor his vitals, while Dawn cleaned up the wounds and put bandages on him. Luckily, the guy became stable, but what he was shot with left a sort of toxin in his body, that was spreading through his body.

"Get Dick," I look over to Dawn as she nods, going out of the medical room, off to find Dick. I took a deep breath as I crossed my arms over my chest, looking at the boy laid unconscious on the bed. "I hope he pulls through this," I spoke aloud, my gaze going to look to Kory as she wonders the same thing.

"Is he stable?" Dick's voice glided through the air, making me turn to look at the door to see him enter. Dick had a cut on his lip and some bruising on his right eyebrow and cheek.

"For the moment," Dawn replied, coming to stand to the right of me. "Whatever they shot him with left something behind. Some sort of toxin," Dawn explained to Dick.

"Maybe we should take him to a hospital," Dick replies, making me look at him in a weird way.

"The boy has special abilities," Kory counters.

"Yeah, I think he's safest here," Dawn spoke, her eyes flicked back to Dick.

"Ok," Dick states his head turning to look at the boy on the bed.

"And I think you should call Bruce. He catalogues these things. He might know who he is," Dawn states to Dick, making him cock his head back to her. However, Dick just stands there thinking on what to do, but he was taking his time, which was odd for him.

"Dick?" My voice soared through his ears, making him look back up to me.

"I'll call Bruce," he said, making me nod his head at him.

"Good. You check on Jason?" Dawn asks him, wondering if he had a chance to see if Jason was doing alright. I felt bad for the kid.

"On my way," he replies, turning around leaving the room. There was something off with him, he seems more distant than normal and it didn't sit well with me.

"Oh, idea," I spoke out of no where as an idea just popped into my head. Dawn and Kory turned their gazes to me waiting for me to answer. "How about I heal him?" I state my eyes wondering to the boy and back to the girls.

"You can heal people?" Dawn sounded quite unsure of that, making me raise an eyebrow to her.

"I believe so," I replied as I moved up the line, Kory took note and moved to where I was standing. I extended both my hands over the wounds on the boys check, and took a deep breath, focusing on healing. Just then, my hands began to glow a pink colour, like they had an aura around them but the glow cut off at my wrists. I began to slowly lower my glowing hands to the bandages, once they connected, I felt a sudden rush flow through me like energy. My hands began to dim and his torso with the bullet wounds began to glow like the aura was seeping into him. Within seconds, my hands lost their glow, but the boys torso was glowing around the bullet wounds. We all watched for a moment, but the glow began to fade until it was gone, like a light. I lifted one of the bandages up to see if the wounds were healed, but once I peeked under, the wounds were still there, meaning it didn't work.

"That was anticlimactic," Kory mocks, making me shoot my head to her, giving her a disapproved look. She gives me a sorry expression.

"It should have worked," I countered, as it should have because it felt like it should have done. "Guess we'll just have to have faith he'll pull through," I told the others, as they offered me a nod and a smile. I turn around and exited the medical room, hoping that this boy would pull through...

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