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                                                                    1 Week Later

Cap was getting ready to head out. Clint was taking Tony to the dentist and then they were gonna spend the whole day together. Bruce was having fun with Thor in NYC. Doctor Strange went back to Sanctorum with Loki. Strange was making some food with Loki helping him. They were gonna be gone for a while.  I mean everyone was gonna be gone for a while except for Quill and Bucky cause Quill was gonna go with Gamora, but he threw a fit cause he wanted to stay with Bucky since Bucky was staying home with Sam. And so Gamora let Quill stay with Bucky and Sam.  And so Cap had his hoodie on and then went over to say good bye to Bucky. 

"I have to go now Buck." Cap said. Bucky looked over and saw Cap.

"NO! Pwease don't go. " Bucky said. 

"Look. I have to do something very important and  I don't want you to get hurt. So, you have to stay here with Sam. I mean you get to hang out with Quill. " Cap said. 

"Yeah, I guess so. Just don't gets hurt daddy." Bucky said.

"I won't bud. Be good for Sam." Cap said.

"I will daddy." Bucky said.

"Bye Buck." Cap said.  "Bye Quill." Cap said. And then he went over and kissed the top of Bucky's head and then went over and kissed the top of Quill's head and then went over to Sam.

"Hey, don't kiss me on the top of my head got it." Sam said. Cap laughed. And then Bucky and Quill laughed too. Sam smiled. 

"Just take good care of them. Ok Sam?" Cap said.

"I will. Don't worry." Sam said. 

"Alright, if that is it. I'm off." Cap said. Bucky and Quill waved goodbye to Cap and then once Cap left they were bored.  

"Sam. 'M bowred." Bucky said. Quill nodded.  Sam scratched his head and then he had an idea.

"How about we have the whole day of just doing awesome things." Sam said. Bucky and Quill smiled and nodded their heads.

"Yes pwease." Bucky said. "Where we go?" Bucky asked Sam.

"How about the movies?" Sam asked. 

"YAY! Yes Pwease." Bucky said.  And so Sam buckled in Bucky and then Quill in his car and then they set off to the movies. It was a very long drive since there was some traffic and so Bucky and Quill fell asleep during  the car ride. After a little while longer they were finally there. Sam parked the car and then carefully woke up the 2 littles who were asleep.  "Awes we hewre?" Bucky asked rubbing his eyes. 

"Yeah bud. We're here." Sam said smiling. Bucky smiled back and then he began to be all excited about it. 

"Wook Quill. We awe hewre." Bucky said. Quill made some baby noises and he was smiling. Sam unbuckled Bucky and Quill and then he grabbed the stroller and put Quill in it and then held Bucky's hand. Once they got inside Bucky was very excited. 

"Ok. What movie do you wanna see?" Sam asked. Bucky and Quill weren't sure what they wanted to see and so then after a few minutes they both settled on what movie to watch. And so they decided to watch Jumanji The Next Level. Bucky and Quill were both excited and so once they sat in the seats they put on their noise cancelling headphones so it didn't seem really loud. And then Sam gave them their snacks and then they watched the movie. 

                                                       After The Movie

"What did you kiddos think  of the movie?" Sam asked.

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