The Littles and Rhodey

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A/N: Hi, Here is another chapter. So, half of it will be about the littles and Rhodey and some of it will be about Peter cause I think that everyone needed a bit more of Spiderman cause why not. Anyway, here it is. Enjoy. 

Today was Rhodey's turn to take care of the 5 littles which he was believing to be a challenge. Everyone else was saving the world while Rhodey was taking care of the littles. He didn't like the idea, but he had no choice. And so Rhodey had think of what to do with them. And so he made a list of what they should do.  And so Rhodey thought about them just sight seeing NYC and getting some pizza. And so when the littles heard the idea they were very happy and they couldn't stopped smiling. Bucky was carrying Baby Quill and the rest of the littles were in their strollers. Bucky didn't want to be in a stroller and so he was tasked with carrying Quill which he didn't seem to mind since they were close like best friends and they always got along. They were bored and then they saw Peter and his best friend Ned walking home and so Rhodey seemed to catch Peter's attention and so Peter went over to Rhodey.

"Hey Peter. What's going on with you?" Rhodey asked. 

"I'm going to Ned's house to finish up a project. But I'll be back later." Peter said. And then Peter caught up with Ned and Rhodey just kept on going around New York with the littles.  Once they were at the pizza place they were having a great time eating. And then they went to Madame Tussaud's which was a wax museum.  The littles were very interested in the wax statues.  Quill was so interested that Bucky had to hold Quill so that he wouldn't bump or break anything. Once they finished they went to Coney Island which they loved and Vision took them before except for Quill. And so they were having a great time and Quill stayed with Rhodey which was fine by him. They stayed at Coney Island till dark which was fun. Everything was fine until Cap called Rhodey. 

"Hey Rhodey. How's everyone?" Cap asked.

"Everything is great Cap." Rhodey said.

"Are you at Coney Island?" Cap asked.

"No, that's just kids outside." Rhodey said.

"Yeah sure. Ok, I need you to do something important." Cap said.

"Sure, what is it?" Rhodey asked.

"I need you to have the missiles ready for battle so that we can do an  awesome entrance ." Sam said interrupting Cap's conversation with Rhodey.  Cap glared at Sam and then Sam went away. 

"Look, I need you to put the defense on when you leave the house cause we don't want anyone to enter that isn't a part of the avengers." Cap said.

"Will do Cap." Rhodey said. And then Cap hung up.  And then Rhodey called Peter. The phone kept ringing and ringing. 

"Hello this is Peter." Peter said.

"Hey Pete. When you get home can you put on the defense system. Cap said so." Rhodey said.

"Sure. I'm walking back to the tower from Ned's house now." Peter said. And then Rhodey hung up and Peter went back to listening to Twenty One Pilots. Rhodey felt relieved that Peter would put the defense system on, but he also had his watch so that if Peter got side tracked he could do it himself.  After a while Rhodey started to not get worried about everything and he started to have a good time. It was great.  Nothing could go wrong on a day like this. Tony, Thor, Loki, Bucky, and baby Quill were having a great time cause Rhodey was having a great time even though Rhodey threw up on a rollercoaster. After that they all went to a fast food place to eat and the 5 littles were super excited.  Bucky was carrying baby Quill still and the other 3 were in the stroller that Rhodey was pushing.  On the way home it was kind of quiet, ok not really quiet. The streets were full of loud cars and trucks and everyone was rushing to get home. Quill fell asleep in Bucky's arms and the other 3 littles fell asleep in the stroller.  Once they got back to the tower Peter was in his room doing some more homework and Rhodey was putting the littles to bed.  After the littles went to sleep Rhodey went to check on Peter.  Rhodey knocked on Peter's door.

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