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It was that time of year again. Everyone was putting up their Christmas trees and decorating the outside of their house with tons of inflatable balloons to put on their front lawn. Some people would put a nativity scene on their front lawn too. And in the tower where everything seemed . nice and quiet it wasn't so, let's just say it was very chaotic.

"I wants to do it bwother." Thor said to Loki.

"No, I wants to do it too." Loki said to Thor. Both boys were arguing about who should put the Oden ornament on the tree cause for them that would signify that whom ever puts that ornament up on the tree would become the favorite son. Bucky was with his daddy and Vision in the kitchen decorating cookies. Tony and Peter were having fun putting ornaments up and telling jokes. And baby Quill was trying to help out, but all they told him to do was color since he was too little and also they thought he might destroy something. Quill was fine with it. And so after the tree was finished and the cookies were done the 5 littles went to the the couch and they just watched TV for hours and they loved every minute of it.  It was perfect.

                                                                *Christmas Eve*

It was Christmas Eve and the house was finally decorated with tons of lights and tons of ornaments on the tree and a whole lot of food was made curtesy of Vision. And there were a bunch of paper snowflakes hanging all over the house. Christmas  music was playing in the back round.  And of course almost everyone was singing along with the music. Everyone was having a good time and of course the littles were having a good time too. The littles played a bunch of kid games like tag or london bridge is falling down. The adults were playing adult games like Cards Against Humanity or Scattergorries.  It was perfect and everyone loved it. After a long day they finally had dinner. The table was full of turkey and other sort of holiday foods. Everyone was eating all the foods and all the deserts and after that they showed a slide show of old Christmas photos while Elton John songs were playing in the back round. Some people were teary eyed. After that it was time for everyone to go to bed. Everyone was sleeping and the house was super quiet. It was so peaceful well, almost. Bucky used his walkie talkie to talk to his friends and he woke up Tony, Loki, Quill, and Thor and they started a whole conversation.  And then the next day the plan went into action

                                                  *Christmas Day* 

"We have to get to the twee so that we could wook at da pwesents." Tony said. Everyone loved that plan and so Bucky secretly into the room where Quill was and he carried him and then they all met in the hallway where some of the rooms were and then they all quietly tip toed to the living room to go to the tree. And there were tons of presents. They were all quietly yelling and they were very happy and they all had big smiles on their faces.

"Wow. Wook at all da pwesents." Thor said. 

"We wewe pwobabwy weally good this year." Bucky said still holding Quill. They were all very happy. But then as they were about to shake the presents to see what was inside they heard footsteps coming from the hallway and so they rushed over to Thor's room where of course they watched TV. Thor's room was kinda sound proof. They could hear if Thor was crying or making noise ,but they wouldn't be able to hear the TV that was in Thor's room. It was a weird way to live where only certain things are sound proof. Anyway, once they heard the footsteps go back to where it was before the 5 littles went back to the tree and they started to shake the presents. 

"Shh, we have to be quiet so no one can hear us." Tony said. 

"I thinks I gots wegos sets." Loki said.

"I think I got lots of cool stuff." Tony said.

"Me too."Thor said.

"I think I gots a toy and a hat."Bucky said. Quill only made baby noises since he was the youngest out of the littles.

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