Chapter 8: Preparation and Confession

Start from the beginning

Blanc: 'Her eyes become red'. So what?! I don't care about that, Vert!

Uzume: Gearsy, there's no way I allow you and (Nickname) clean this class by yourself! I'll help you even if I have to get hurt and tired! 'She swing her fist to the air'.

(Y/N): By the way, how did you know we're here?

Neptune: Well, let's just say that... we eavesdropped your "secret" conversation.

Uni: Heh. I'm here because I just want to help my friends and Nepgear, but not you, (Y/N). 'She points at me'. You probably going to do some harassment to Nepgear.

I get depressed a bit when Uni said that.

(Y/N): *sigh* Just do what you want, Uni. I don't even care.

(F/N): I'll prove to you that I am NOT useless like Aqua! Just you wait, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): 'I got annoyed'. Whatever.

Nepgear: Everyone... thank you! Now, let's begin!

Everyone: ALRIGHT!

(Y/N): 'I said in an unenergetic scream'. Yaaaay...

Neptune decided to be our leader and set up a plan for each of us.

Neptune: Noire and (F/N), get two bucket of water and a
some piece of white cloth to wipe the windows, tables and chairs. Blanc, Vert and Uzume, you will lift all of the chairs and tables to be arranged into small group of 4 tables and 4 chairs each.

Noire: I got it. This will be easy for me.

(F/N): That is a "OK"! I'll do it!

Blanc: Can I switch my role to an easier one?

Vert: Oh come on. The chairs wasn't that heavy. Or probably because of you were just too weak?~

Blanc: 'Her eyes become red again'. I'm not weak! You know what?! Forget it! I'll do it if you want!

Neptune: Now now. We're here to help (Y/N) and Nepgear. Not having some kind of a catfight. Okay! Move now!

Uzume: Roger that!

Uni: What do I do then?

Neptune: You, Nepgear and (Y/N) will clean all of the dust and debris with some dust feather and sweeper.

(Y/N), Nepgear and Uni: Right!

Neptune: 'She looked at the camera'. And for you readers... just be with (Y/N) or something. I'll be doing whatever I can to help... or just go around doing any random jobs.

After everything was planned, we begin cleaning the class as we work together. Everyone was working really hard... including Neptune. I was cleaning the spider web and the dust at each top corner of the class.

Blanc, Vert and Uzume was showing their strength in carrying the chair and table, cleaning them with a wet cloth and arranging them in a group of 4 table and 4 chair each.

(F/N) and Noire was cleaning the window until it was crystal clear without any debris or dust sticking.

Uni and Nepgear was sweeping the dust and throwing the trash into the trash can. After that, they mop the floor. I also decided to help them for a while.

I can feel like we can work together and finish this job with ease.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi (Y/N) and Chibi Nepgear was standing while looking under the sunset.

The time when we finally done cleaning and arranging the class was around late evening. Our effort in cleaning the class is worth it. With all of the tables and chairs got arranged neatly, all of the windows, floors and each corner of the classroom got cleaned until it was shiny and the environment was really calming with the sunset at the window.

(Y/N): Thank you for your help! If it wasn't for you, we wouldn't be able to finish this in one day, you know?

Neptune: 'She got covered in black stain a bit at her cheek'. No. That's fine. I don't really that mind as long as Nepgear won't get in big trouble. Besides, I'm her sister. I care about her.

Uni: I also cared about your sister, Neptune. I'm her best friend from kindergarten, of course I won't let her do a heavy job all by herself. I also cared about all of you except (Y/N). Hmph.

(Y/N): This girl starting to get on my nerve! Who do you think you are, huh?!

Neptune: 'She realized that I was looking at Uni with an unsatisfied face'. Ahahahaha. Sorry, (Y/N). Uni is usually like this. Please don't be mad at her.

(Y/N): No. No. That's fine. Anyway, we should go back home now. You guys are probably tired.

Noire: Yeah. I think we should.

Blanc: I also need to go home and cook dinner for my little sister.

Vert: And I think that I should play some video games~

Uzume: If you say so, then I'll be going home now! See ya!

She then sprint out of the class with full speed as the sound of the shoe steps fade away.

(F/N): By the way, I did prove to you that I'm not useless!

(Y/N): 'I looked at him annoyed again'. Oh yeah? Really? What did you do?

Everyone except (F/N) and Uni laughed at him.

(F/N): >_< Dude! Please!

(Y/N): Alright then. We should get leaving now. I need to lock the doors soon.

All of us get out of the class and I locked the door so that there won't be any disturbances to the tables and chairs. We slowly go back to our houses... except me and Nepgear. We were at the rooftop while looking at the beautiful sunset.

Nepgear: Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N): 'I looked at her with a smile'. What is it, Nepgear?

Nepgear: Well... because school festival is next week, do you think that we should make our own food stall?

(Y/N): 'I looked back at the sunset'. It is up to you to decide it. I'm just fine with whatsoever you want to do.

Nepgear: Oh okay then. If you say so... then what food should we sell?

(Y/N): Like I said, it is up to you to decide.

Nepgear: (Y/N)! Please, give me a suggestion! >-<

(Y/N): 'I was taken aback by her words'. O-O-Okay... I've got one in my mind. Uhh... What about takoyaki and crepe?

Nepgear: Heeeeh... That's a good suggestion! Thanks, (Y/N)!

(Y/N): Y-You're welcome.

Nepgear: 'She begin walking to the door'. I'll be leaving. What about you?

(Y/N): I want to stay longer and enjoy the view of the sunset. See you tomorrow, Nepgear. 'I looked at her and give a heartwarming smile'.

Nepgear: Ehehe~ Okay.

She begin walking away as I was staring at the beautiful sunset. However, a few moments later, I heard a footstep heading toward me. I turned my head to see Nepgear walking toward me and...

...she kissed my cheek. Her lips was really warm, it makes me feel like I want it more from her. It stirs really well with my emotion making me liking the kiss. After a few moments, probably like more than a minute, she released herself from kissing my cheek.

Nepgear: 'She whisper something to my ear'. I love you~ Ehehe~

After that, she begin running to the door and never turn back. As I was standing there like a statue, I stared at the door and then I screamed to the sky.

(Y/N): 'The camera head to the sky as you screamed with all your heart'. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!

Chapter 8: Ends.

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